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Lord Hamster

New member
V1 King
Many of you will know Kai. He has a 0.5 kd, 0 skill, 0 mvps and every class except Balrog. He has also only been playing for 2 months. Sound suspicious?

Well, the way he did this was scamming. He basically spammed everyone with amazing deals, like 5000 points donation would be payed back in 2 weeks with another 5000 points interest. Since he had Elite, and there are many good people on the server who trust others, they gave him the points. 1 and a half months later, he owes them 8k and denies this ever happened.
These are the classes I have seen him play as:
Warg Tamer
Lossarnach Axeman
Dwarven Hammerer
Royal Guard
Citadel Guard
Dale Swordmaster
Orc Chieftain
Gundabad Orc
Crossbow Uruk

There are more that i won't write atm, but I just think that staff should really do something about this guy.

I know he scammed
[user avatar="https://cravatar.eu/helmavatar/BadChickenz/74.png" name="BadChickenz"]8396197[/user]
[user avatar="https://cravatar.eu/helmavatar/_Kicker19_/74.png" name="_Kicker19_"]11682930[/user]
[user avatar="https://cravatar.eu/helmavatar/nautilus64/74.png" name="nautilus64"]10274382[/user]
[user avatar="https://cravatar.eu/helmavatar/Ish1999/74.png" name="Ish1999"]12256014[/user]
and many others.
I'm sorry, but I think there's a little problem about this: it's technically not against the rules. I know it's total crap he scammed you guys, and I really don't aprove it, but you fell for him... right? It's you own problem to trust someone you barely even know. Like me for instance, Nik, you know me a bit, you know I'm trustworthy, so if I offered such a deal (which I wouldn't do in the first place), I wouldn't blame you for taking the offer (despite the fact that I would, of course, pay you back).
Another thing's: use your brains! If he needs 5000 pts, and tells you he'll pay you 10.000 next week, the hell are you thinking? Assuming the fact that he spends those 5000 pts for a class or two, how would he have 10.000 pts in a week. Because, as you said, he got 0 skill. And even if he were as good as you or me, that'd be a damn hard week for him!
I'm sorry, but I fear there can't be done much about this.
I'm sorry, but I think there's a little problem about this: it's technically not against the rules. I know it's total crap he scammed you guys, and I really don't aprove it, but you fell for him... right? It's you own problem to trust someone you barely even know. Like me for instance, Nik, you know me a bit, you know I'm trustworthy, so if I offered such a deal (which I wouldn't do in the first place), I wouldn't blame you for taking the offer (despite the fact that I would, of course, pay you back).
Another thing's: use your brains! If he needs 5000 pts, and tells you he'll pay you 10.000 next week, the hell are you thinking? Assuming the fact that he spends those 5000 pts for a class or two, how would he have 10.000 pts in a week. Because, as you said, he got 0 skill. And even if he were as good as you or me, that'd be a damn hard week for him!
I'm sorry, but I fear there can't be done much about this.
althought it is not pointed out in the rules but rule 1 notices to respect others, if you scam someone, you obviously dont respect them.

nik, please provide proof for the staff since you can say alot like I can say you hack but If I dont have proof staff cant ban anyone.
if there is no proof, I request a lock.
It's pretty stupid that you guys actually fell for this in the first place, considering he constantly spams on the server. It's your own fault if you're not clever enough to know who to trust
He IS really annoying, i think staff should add a rule and ban that Guy, he spammed me like crazy

As ive Said earlier, sometimes staff should react and handle stuff without written rules.
[quote user_id="4803008" avatar="https://cravatar.eu/helmavatar/adamrob2002/74.png" name="adamrob2002"]It's pretty stupid that you guys actually fell for this in the first place, considering he constantly spams on the server. It's your own fault if you're not clever enough to know who to trust
sorry guys, but i have to give adam right there...[/quote]
That is true, but I was one of the first people he scammed.... I thought i would make pure profit DX
The douche owes me 1200 points :furious:! He told me that he would pay me back within a week, the next week when he was there, I ask him, and he immediately left the server! The moment I threatened him by saying if he doesn't pay it back I would report him. Then he kept spamming me FUCK YOU, YOU SON OF A BITCH FUCK!!! GO DIE IN YOUR WHORE OF A MOTHER'S ASSHOLE. He spammed me so much, it lagged me out and I crashed.

Screens please.
[quote user_id="2931363" avatar="https://cravatar.eu/helmavatar/Mr_CookieSmurf/74.png" name="Mr_CookieSmurf"]
The douche owes me 1200 points :furious:! He told me that he would pay me back within a week, the next week when he was there, I ask him, and he immediately left the server! The moment I threatened him by saying if he doesn't pay it back I would report him. Then he kept spamming me FUCK YOU, YOU SON OF A BITCH FUCK!!! GO DIE IN YOUR WHORE OF A MOTHER'S ASSHOLE. He spammed me so much, it lagged me out and I crashed.

Screens please.

Yeah, those screenies were sadly lost... its for the same reason I don't use skype anymore and deleted it. (UNNECESSARY STORY ALERT!!! TAKE COVER!!!) About a month ago, my whole entire computer crashed and got a virus, it deleted a whole ton of stuff, along with a ton of my minecraft maps. I got it when I answered the skype call of the wrong person. I got a new computer, sadly, this was a mix up i believe because this computer has $ signs instead of the English pound :P. That's why a lot of my old screenshots from waaay back when I don't have them.

I honestly wish I could give you them and ban Kai once and for old, but I cant :cry:. And no I'm not doing this for points because I'm smart enough to know that the likelihood of getting them back is very slim. I want Kai ban to get justice for his actions.

Lately, I have been having a lot of bad luck, don't know why. Computer crashing, phone getting cracked, phone getting completely broken, new computer having $ instead of the English pound... Why world, why...[/quote]

For some reason I doubt this ever happened...
Maybe because you lie and cheat just to get points or people to think you're good?
Ill admit this is true, Kai has scammed many people (almost even me, too bad I am a cold hearted donor) and not paid them back. I think that the staff should make a rule for this, to prevent it or something.
well rule 1 states, respect other players. and in my opinion scamming isnt respectfull.
Even though this isn't a nice thing to do it is a valuable life lesson for the future. Years ago i was conned inrunescape. I'm glad that happened as it is better to learn what not to do on a virtual environment then losing actual money in reality.
so, there hasn't been given any evidence (i do believe you guys though) and it's basically not against the rules. send the guy a warning maybe, or the community can just hate him to death. anyways, this isn't moving anywhere. *lock request as this thread is really losing it's purpose*
I understand this is frustrating, and this player will definitely not be well liked with this kind of behaviour. However, even with proof there is nothing the staff team can do. This is a matter outside the server rules and it was an agreement made between 2 players. Giving each other points is your own priogative, and I recommend not giving your points to anyone unless you appreciate the highly likely possibility that you will never see them again.

I'm sorry for this inconvenience and this player will be under the radar for all staff. We will be watching his actions.
His behaviour towards legolouie would be banable but we would need to proof

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