Name: Dzrigettian
Territory: Two or three of those islands, that represent UK, Iceland and Ireland. (Confirmation [user avatar="" name="Riko son of Pdor son of Kmer"]6427581[/user]
Description: The land is hot and frugal - it flourishes in ores but lumber and wood is a rarity. Most soldiers come from the many a tribe and are hardened men from fierce skirmishes over certain parts of the land where some of the meat source is generalized. There has been attempts to revive crops and wheat, but alas all have failed; and now the primary source of food comes from raiding other nations, fish from Triga or meat. The most civilized island is Olash, which is the tall one to the west, whereas they counter 6 cities: Dzri, Manadrin, Agorn, Trailean (the capitol), Hustagh, Fort Alandeas. And the other cities: Port Gannon is on Triga the island to the east and such are Rindin and Forlindon. Triga's primary food source is from fishing; whereas they don't have limits and are mostly traded with Olash.
The meat comes from Tirsdtin the southern island which isn't currently inhabited save for Port Oghorn which numbers little people but strong in strength patrolling the nearby land for any intrusive wanderers stealing animals for the sake of their own tribes. Their is often many a battle between the folk of Oghorn and the tribes, which Oghorn is unsurprisingly the most often victor, as they are supplied with many a troop from the Government from Olash. However, the tribes do come over the strong ranks of Oghorn at times and hunt briskly and swiftly and throw their winnings in their long Knarrs and Cogs. Whenever Oghorn is defeated, the Olash government quickly react by ambushing the groups or negotiating pay for the food, in gold, the food itself or soldiers.
The Olash government often sends groups of raiders and mercenaries to hijack trading ships which are laden with food.
There are 14 tribes - 13 within Olash scuttling with their own business and one among the Triga lands. The five biggest tribes are: Hamar, Omesh, Tagash, Tibbleskins

P) and Zorgen, whom have dense populations of 15,000-20,000. Then there are Dyrne, Pyron and Scattle whom number 6,000 in population. Gillet Men number 4,000 and dwell in Triga, then there are 5 smaller tribes which number from 700 - 3,000. These are the numbers of the cities in military strength:
Dzri: 4,000 - Manadrin 3,000 - Agorn 7,000 - Trailean 23,000 - Hustagh, 14,500 - Fort Alandeas 6,000
Port Gannon 9,000 - Rindin 4,000 - Forlindon 4,000 and Fort Oghorn - 12,000
The tribes: Hamar 10,000 - Omesh 6,000 - Tagash 3,000 - Tibbleskins 5,000 - Zorgen 4,000 - Dyrne 4,000 - Pyron 2,000, Scattle 3,500 - Gillet Men 1,000. And the five smaller tribes combined (named Tugu) number 1,500. Then throughout the land in minor towns Nobles ought to bring a decent force of troops matching their size from their accounted town to join the Olash army when necessary. When not this, they ought to pay taxes to their local cities in troops, referring to their size and what necessary. The troops are well laden with armor and swords, they vary much in infantry with fine weapons to smote their foes, but have a diminished cavalry which may only count a thousand. Most archers are from Triga, whom specialize in Pikemen and Crossbow men
The Olash Government Army: (OGA) size in peace time is a large army of: 86,500 - well there is never peace as there is constant raids and guerrilla warfare among the tribes and the Government. Then throughout the land in war time; there can be 30,000 men and boys called up (only if absolutely necessary - desperate war).
The United Tribes Army: (UTA) size in peace time is pretty much the same in war time, as they ought a aggressive nature for food, so there are always conflicts. The accounted army is 40,000. If absolutely 5,000 more reserves can be called upon.
EDIT: This post is unnecessary now (XD) as I posted this after Riko proposed a lock request, and floatingdemon would've also claimed this land