Hello people of Empire Wars!
My name is MrDrewSky (I was Drewsaurs6), but you may call me Drew
Many of you have seen me on the server a few times before and have been rekt by me Jk.
Anyways, I am fairly new to this server, and I must say it is quite fun I know I get mad when I'm on (And I am sorry for my rage fits) at the server's flaws, but what server doesn't have flaws?
Anyways, I look forward to being apart of this community! I won't be on very much due to work, school, and chores, but I'll still get on from time to time. (I'll be on more this week because I'm on break)
Thank you!
My name is MrDrewSky (I was Drewsaurs6), but you may call me Drew
Many of you have seen me on the server a few times before and have been rekt by me Jk.
Anyways, I am fairly new to this server, and I must say it is quite fun I know I get mad when I'm on (And I am sorry for my rage fits) at the server's flaws, but what server doesn't have flaws?
Anyways, I look forward to being apart of this community! I won't be on very much due to work, school, and chores, but I'll still get on from time to time. (I'll be on more this week because I'm on break)
Thank you!