The next update is shortly coming, so I decided to throw a few class ideas:
Blue team
Red team
For the Corsairs themselves, should be ~ the same as for Lossarnach.
For all of my suggestions for Lossarnach map, see the following thread:
Blue team
Name: Edhellond Fisherman
It would be exactly same as Laketown fisherman with just different leather colors and possibly limited to specific flags only. (Map: Edhellond)
It would be exactly same as Laketown fisherman with just different leather colors and possibly limited to specific flags only. (Map: Edhellond)
Name: Half-elf
Type: Class package
Maps: Edhellond
Weapons: Bow, Iron sword, shield
Equipment/Items: (3 ladders) & 10 steak, 8 arrows
Armor: Either a new custom helmet, leather helmet or no helmet at all. Chain chestplate, leather leggins, chain boots (with maybe feather falling I ?)
Potion Effects:
Abilities: none
Extra Info: The shield won't be shown in inv until the player hold the sword. This means shield appears only if the player holds his sword.
Why do you think your class should be added? Edhellond has a part of population of men race and the other part is elvish. That definitely means that they had mixes --> half elves. Elves are known for their bow skills, and men are known for swords.
Type: Class package
Maps: Edhellond
Weapons: Bow, Iron sword, shield
Equipment/Items: (3 ladders) & 10 steak, 8 arrows
Armor: Either a new custom helmet, leather helmet or no helmet at all. Chain chestplate, leather leggins, chain boots (with maybe feather falling I ?)
Potion Effects:
Abilities: none
Extra Info: The shield won't be shown in inv until the player hold the sword. This means shield appears only if the player holds his sword.
Why do you think your class should be added? Edhellond has a part of population of men race and the other part is elvish. That definitely means that they had mixes --> half elves. Elves are known for their bow skills, and men are known for swords.
Minas Tirith's class (Dol Amroth knight) should definitely be among the classes on Edhellond map.
Red team
Name: Hillman barbarian
Type: Voter
Maps: Edhellond
Weapons: Same as troll's/Dol Guldur captain' axe
Equipment/Items: (3 ladders) & 10 steak,
Armor: A player head of a barbarian, leather tunic, leather leggins, chain boots
Potion Effects: Stregth I,
Abilities: Speed for about ~15 seconds after a flag capture (YAAAH WE CPATURED IT OO OO AA AA), motivation speed, thirst of death...
Extra Info: Hillman from around the city, obvious enemy and outlaw of Gondor. Living conditions are horrible, so poor armor (explaining weakness effect) but alot of strength as his body is made to survive in wilderness. Hates the free folks of the West.
This class would be available after the reinforcement arrive (Unconfirmed)
Why do you think your class should be added? This would bring some different playstyle probably, would be pretty logic for it to help corsairs to attack the city, since it would be a profit for the Hillmen to get rid of Gondor once and for all.
Type: Voter
Maps: Edhellond
Weapons: Same as troll's/Dol Guldur captain' axe
Equipment/Items: (3 ladders) & 10 steak,
Armor: A player head of a barbarian, leather tunic, leather leggins, chain boots
Potion Effects: Stregth I,
Abilities: Speed for about ~15 seconds after a flag capture (YAAAH WE CPATURED IT OO OO AA AA), motivation speed, thirst of death...
Extra Info: Hillman from around the city, obvious enemy and outlaw of Gondor. Living conditions are horrible, so poor armor (explaining weakness effect) but alot of strength as his body is made to survive in wilderness. Hates the free folks of the West.
This class would be available after the reinforcement arrive (Unconfirmed)
Why do you think your class should be added? This would bring some different playstyle probably, would be pretty logic for it to help corsairs to attack the city, since it would be a profit for the Hillmen to get rid of Gondor once and for all.
Name: Hillman shotybow-man
Type: Class package? not sure whcih type it should be
Maps: Edhellond
Weapons: Bow, stone sword
Equipment/Items: (3 ladders) & 10 steak, 16 arrows
Armor: A player head of a barbarian, leather tunic, Leather boots
Potion Effects: Resistance I
Abilities: Has a bow that breaks. This class can Craft a new one using crafting tables around restocks. Though needs first to restock to recieve 3 strings and 3 sticks (only given if the player has no bow in inventory)
Extra Info: Hillmen didn't have good equipement, so they made bows themselves. That's why this class has a short bow (quickly crafted). It is though not very stable, so the bow breaks.
This class would be available after the reinforcement arrive (Unconfirmed)
Why do you think your class should be added? More or less same reasons as for the previous Hillman class.
Type: Class package? not sure whcih type it should be
Maps: Edhellond
Weapons: Bow, stone sword
Equipment/Items: (3 ladders) & 10 steak, 16 arrows
Armor: A player head of a barbarian, leather tunic, Leather boots
Potion Effects: Resistance I
Abilities: Has a bow that breaks. This class can Craft a new one using crafting tables around restocks. Though needs first to restock to recieve 3 strings and 3 sticks (only given if the player has no bow in inventory)
Extra Info: Hillmen didn't have good equipement, so they made bows themselves. That's why this class has a short bow (quickly crafted). It is though not very stable, so the bow breaks.
This class would be available after the reinforcement arrive (Unconfirmed)
Why do you think your class should be added? More or less same reasons as for the previous Hillman class.
For the Corsairs themselves, should be ~ the same as for Lossarnach.
For all of my suggestions for Lossarnach map, see the following thread: