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Pond__ Ban Appeal

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New member
Minecraft username: Pond__
Ban/mute reason: Using an autoclicker
Banned/muted by: Ban reason didn't say
Why you should be unbanned/unmuted: I literally don't use an autoclicker, I butterfly click and I sometimes jitter click, I'd say google what these forms of clicking are but I'll provide video examples and explain.

Butterfly clicking - Quite simple, you use 2 fingers to click. When I click with my index finger, after I bring it up to click again, I instead click with my middle finger, and it increases my CPS by quite a lot, it's a form of clicking used by quite a lot of pro PVPers

Jitter clicking - You tense up your arm, thus making you able to click quite faster, downside is its hard to aim due to your arm being all tensed up, so I don't use it a lot.

Butterfly clicking video example: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9kqCBqG6Tu4
This guy gets around 16-20 CPS with just butterfly clicking, he also does around a 5 second example of jitter clicking

Jitter clicking video example - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g-FVXgmMxF0

Unban me I don't autoclick
Actually this guy who butterfly click is doubleclicking, i can click 17 cps using it and my clicking sounds like 2x faster than this guy . Nice example xD
Actually this guy who butterfly click is doubleclicking, i can click 17 cps using it and my clicking sounds like 2x faster than this guy . Nice example xD
Even I can see that. The number of clicks he's getting doesn't match up with how much he actually is. Either doubling each click, or using a macro with that button on the side of the mouse.

Anyway, to the OP. It was Freek_ and Dr_olex who banned you, and they have evidence. I'll notify them of your appeal.
Me and Olex have decided to ban you based on this evidence: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gvfO4Wl7UUw&feature=youtu.be
While this was recorded, Olex had been watching you for a while and continued to do so until you left the server. The account (IslandPink) turned out to be one of your alts. Adding up to that we've seen your account pond__ being suspicious as well in PvP.

The video shows 2 things:
very very fast clicking speed and sometimes clicking when it isn't needed (still very fast)

For me this was enough information to be certain that you were not playing legit. Other players who click fast still don't click at this speed / produce this sound and do not click this constantly or at moments it doesn't make much sense.

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