Minecraft username: Pond__
Ban/mute reason: Using an autoclicker
Banned/muted by: Ban reason didn't say
Why you should be unbanned/unmuted: I literally don't use an autoclicker, I butterfly click and I sometimes jitter click, I'd say google what these forms of clicking are but I'll provide video examples and explain.
Butterfly clicking - Quite simple, you use 2 fingers to click. When I click with my index finger, after I bring it up to click again, I instead click with my middle finger, and it increases my CPS by quite a lot, it's a form of clicking used by quite a lot of pro PVPers
Jitter clicking - You tense up your arm, thus making you able to click quite faster, downside is its hard to aim due to your arm being all tensed up, so I don't use it a lot.
Butterfly clicking video example: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9kqCBqG6Tu4
This guy gets around 16-20 CPS with just butterfly clicking, he also does around a 5 second example of jitter clicking
Jitter clicking video example - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g-FVXgmMxF0
Unban me I don't autoclick
Ban/mute reason: Using an autoclicker
Banned/muted by: Ban reason didn't say
Why you should be unbanned/unmuted: I literally don't use an autoclicker, I butterfly click and I sometimes jitter click, I'd say google what these forms of clicking are but I'll provide video examples and explain.
Butterfly clicking - Quite simple, you use 2 fingers to click. When I click with my index finger, after I bring it up to click again, I instead click with my middle finger, and it increases my CPS by quite a lot, it's a form of clicking used by quite a lot of pro PVPers
Jitter clicking - You tense up your arm, thus making you able to click quite faster, downside is its hard to aim due to your arm being all tensed up, so I don't use it a lot.
Butterfly clicking video example: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9kqCBqG6Tu4
This guy gets around 16-20 CPS with just butterfly clicking, he also does around a 5 second example of jitter clicking
Jitter clicking video example - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g-FVXgmMxF0
Unban me I don't autoclick