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rohan gate spawns are a joke

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you know what really is a joke?
LimeFox is a joke

tbh I agree more than disagree with that.
How bout spawning them in the stables behind and build a way in.
Spawn them in the house right next to the hall.
Let rohan spawn 2 more towers away or in a house next to the gate and remove the ender chest, its too easy to fix the gate.
They are fine, these are just the slightly worse people in pvp, espacially m4 and only m4 if im honest, lock thread.
Really gunda?
Its neither​ the time nor the place, the spawns are a problem for every non-archer player and the entire uruk team.
You can tix the the city gate in 7 sec if you know what you are doing and the hall gate can be fixed in 10 sec if the uruk are too busy fighting the rohan team that​ spawn 3 blocks away and every 2 sec.
he moved them
[quote user_id="7396155" avatar="https://cravatar.eu/helmavatar/arakrsptec/74.png" name="arakrsptec"]Move them farther back from the flags and to 'safe' spots where they can't be spawnkilled.
Not the issue. Issue is Rohan spawning RIGHT on flag wall so Uruks can't cap with retards like gunda on our team.[/quote]
he moved them "farther", you better read before you replay.
he moved them [quote user_id="6137746" avatar="https://cravatar.eu/helmavatar/m4rine_semperfi/74.png" name="m4rine_semperfi"][quote user_id="7396155" avatar="https://cravatar.eu/helmavatar/arakrsptec/74.png" name="arakrsptec"]Move them farther back from the flags and to 'safe' spots where they can't be spawnkilled.
Not the issue. Issue is Rohan spawning RIGHT on flag wall so Uruks can't cap with retards like gunda on our team.[/quote]
he moved them "farther", you better read before you replay.[/quote]
Nah, don't be an ignorant cunt and how about you read before you reply? Aye?
He said "movE" not "moveD"
Move is present tense and in the context is a demand. It's like he said:
"Move that" or "Do that" etc

If he had said

"moved to there" or "did that" then it would be obvious this issue is resolved.

Regardless, it was probably a typo and now I understand. But what arak said LOOKED like it was his own suggestion, not a fix to the situation.
It was. Either way what I said can't really be disputed unless you disagree with it being moved and no longer spawnkilled.

And everyone needs to stop being obnoxious and rude on the forums, it's growing annoying.
The gate spawns for Rohan have been moved back, and the spawns for Isengard moved forward, I hope this helps.
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