Name: Rohan Guardsman
Type: Class Package
Price: 7,50 Rohan Package
Map: Helms Deep (Horserider doesnt fit in the way its built)
Weapons: Iron Sword, Bannered Shield and 1-2 Throwing Knife.
Equipment/Items: 3 Ladders 10 steak
Armor: Leather Helmet, Iron Chestplate, Leather leggings and Chainmail boots.
Potion Effects: None
Abilities: None
Extra Info: Well as noted the horserider on helms deep is terribly inefficent in the way the map is built and how people use it. This is my solution its basically a shieldsman with almost the same armor i think and a throwing knife to give it a chance against soliders and what not. Please read and be aware i used the template
Best wishes- MendingPug
Type: Class Package
Price: 7,50 Rohan Package
Map: Helms Deep (Horserider doesnt fit in the way its built)
Weapons: Iron Sword, Bannered Shield and 1-2 Throwing Knife.
Equipment/Items: 3 Ladders 10 steak
Armor: Leather Helmet, Iron Chestplate, Leather leggings and Chainmail boots.
Potion Effects: None
Abilities: None
Extra Info: Well as noted the horserider on helms deep is terribly inefficent in the way the map is built and how people use it. This is my solution its basically a shieldsman with almost the same armor i think and a throwing knife to give it a chance against soliders and what not. Please read and be aware i used the template
Best wishes- MendingPug