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I need help i was end game with all quests completed accept the Pharaoh's tomb #3 a few weeks ago, i haven't been on in a while and when i got on today everything was reset!? I did change my name in that time from SmasherSqueaks to SmasherGames private msg me any help is appreciated would that affect it!?
empire war uses an outdated player data tracking system with a protocol hack. which means that when you change your name it is not done by the id of your account but by the name. if you want your stuff back you should change your name back.
First of all, you need to calm down, calling this sever dumb won't get you anywhere. Now, as everyone was saying if you change your name back you will get all your stats back, you said in your post that you changed it about a few weeksago, if that is the case then you should be able to change your name back in around a week or so, or maybe even now.
no it isnt this is the only dumb server where name changes affect your in game stats
Name changing is not supported (yet) because it would require us to rewrite all of our plugins. This would take way too much work and I just don't have time for that. You should had kept your old name, and if you don't want to, you'll have to start over. That's just how our game works. Complaining doesn't help, it's just the way it is.
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