[quote user_id="11533501" avatar="https://assets-cloud.enjin.com/users/11533501/avatar/medium.1451350694.jpeg" name="Beastofawesome"]Being a new and invested player, I would like to know about the long history of the server. Tell me what it started as, how it changed, the people, the staff, the game. Could you put it in chronological order? Tell me of the major incidents of players revolting against tim. Thanks if you do!
Will put it simple, as I don't have time atm for a detailed list:
November 11 2012: First attempt of Siege server as a temporary game while we worked on RP (Small Helms Deep only)
Some weeks later: Siege was that much more popular than RP that we decided to make it permanent
Few weeks later: Talking with EpicQuestz about adding Minas Tirith and working together, I joined them
About a week later: Added Minas Tirith
Few weeks later: Added Minas Morgul
Few weeks later: Only_God joined and built Moria Gold (became mod/builder)
Few weeks later: Small moria great halls added with only 1 flag
About a month later: Small moria great halls removed
Few months later: Big Moria Great Halls added
Few months later: Erebor added
Few months later: Black Gate added
(It's not exact, but gives a pretty good list of how we went.[/quote]
What about the fields? I'd love to know about them and when they existed. You know, I long to play those one day, as I never got to in the past.