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Stuff! TipsnTricks, Nauts-Shop, and The Empire War Chronicles!


New member
V2 Lord
V1 King
Hi guys! I have decided to make a whole new line of forum products made by yours truly, naut. This will include a shop, TipsnTricks, and of course The empire war chronicles! here is how everything will work out.
Empire War Chronicles
I will just make this a letter, like normal newspapers. If you want to sign up for it and receive weekly Chronicles, then just
put your name down below and say that you would like to sign up for my chronicles!
I've thought of a lot of tips and tricks for those who may be newer to empire war, and will be posting a couple of them on
one forum, which of course will be bumped and revived quite some times.
Nauts Shop
This is my shop! My shop will include many rp items, (drinks, foods, etc.), and I will also abide to in-game purchases,
such as me being your personal mage healer for the whole game! Here is what I have came up with so far-
Personal Healer (180 pts)
Ent Root tea (20 pts)
Barf-sicle (10 pts)
And introducing, a new hardcore beer for those strong enough to drink it! Behold:
Demonic Ale. This new drink is made in the following fasion:
Shelob's Venom is extracted and then put in a keg. This is then mixed with umbarian rum, and then
the gunpowder of a uruk-hai beserker's bomb is sprinkled in. After this, a balrog's everlasting death
flame is then tossed into the mix and closed immediately. This is then shaken, and served to our
customers. Unfortunately, this drink is so hardcore and deadly that it costs many points and needs
a contract, so we would ask our patrons to sign this:

I, ____________, do not care if I get killed by naut's crazy demon ale. I will not fine a lawsuit against
Nauts shop incase of spontaneous combustion, popping of eyeballs, scorched tongue, melted intestines,
or fire urine. I will give the payment to Naut before the handing of the drink, which is 750 points.
Siginature of store owner- naut da newb
Siginature of suicidal victim customer- _____________
Thats all, thanks!
I, StiefelwichsLP6, definitly apply for TipsnTricks :D
Im pretty good at pvp and movement, and i can tell about mechanics ways how to avoid negative impact of bugs, how to use classes effectifely,...
Current chronicles members-
Current TipsnTricks members-