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Troll rock throw


Staff member
V2 Veteran
Back in EW V1, trolls were capable of picking up and throwing rocks and instantly killing targets upon impact of the rock if they managed to find their target. Right now, troll is somewhat great and all, but I think this'd complete the class and get the true feeling of a "war-mongering beast of pure brute." The rock throw ability never made the troll overpowered in any sense, as their movement was inhibited and became all the more vulnerable to opposing forces and the range of the rock was very minimal.

I do not know whether or not this has been suggested already, but I will go ahead and just tag a poll.​
It made troll op. Anything that has the power to one hit ko like that is broken. Movement inhibition is not enough.

Troll is strong enough as is and doesn't need any buffs.
And Trolls now have a disguise so players can't see if they hold rocks.
New rock throwing class! Slow movement + high res, low low damage weapon.
Can throw rocks that do like 3-4 dmg fairly often, but occasionally he can pick up the BIG BOULDER which 1 shots <3
Just remove the disguise, It really sucks, it's just ugly, wierd shaped and doesn't improve gameplay imo.
Just remove the disguise, It really sucks, it's just ugly, wierd shaped and doesn't improve gameplay imo.

Very much disagree. Also, disguise is the only thing that makes 1v1’ing trolls possible. Otherwise they’ll be OP again, especially if they were given rocks.
[quote user_id="7503051" avatar="https://cravatar.eu/helmavatar/De_Mik/74.png" name="De_Mik"]Just remove the disguise, It really sucks, it's just ugly, wierd shaped and doesn't improve gameplay imo.
Totally agree, bring back look of the old troll ![/quote]

This is why we have Haf Twol
We dont need insta kill shit but we do need rock. Maybe a rock that cause slowness and blindness along with a nice damage
Or rock that damages an area (like make wholes in cracked walls/parts like catapults on erebor) @tim