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Unavailable Classes


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There are quite a few placeholder kits that will be added when points are added. This is killing me. I like variety on all of the maps and withholding these classes takes away some of that variety. An idea is to make all point classes across all maps available as regular or voter classes until it is time for points to be introduced. I understand that the coding for axethrower and other similar classes might not be ready, but it would help if the other slots were open to be used until points were ready to be implemented.
There's still a lot of discussion going on within the staff team on whether or not points will be added (I am strongly against this), what classes should be publicly available, and what classes should be donator only. Hence the delay on these classes being outed to public.

Apart from that, there's also a long to-do list for the server, and these classes simply aren't on the top of the list right now. (Stuff that is on the list contains: repair stat for constructors, being able to change the wool color on the minimap so we can make red team defend and blue attack, being able to make attacking teams start with multiple flags, etc)
Along with what Tim said, if it were easy enough to just add them this very instant, it is likely they would be added :)
Why are you so strongly against points?
Because I don't like the idea of having plain stronger classes that are available to more experienced players. They will make it really hard for new players. This is also why donator classes are classes with new mechanics, not just stronger classes, and I don't feel like we have enough ideas to add donator classes and custom point classes with cool new mechanics.
That's actually a good point.
But it will also attract new players to keep on playing to get those classes knowing that after they will get the class it would be much easier to fight back.
That's actually a good point.
But it will also attract new players to keep on playing to get those classes knowing that after they will get the class it would be much easier to fight back.
Exactly, pointclasses give (new) Players something to play for. I know there is the leaderboards, but it will always be dominated by a small selection of Players, so for new, inexperienced Players and for those who aren't that good at pvp, the leaderboards is not something they will play for, classes unlockable with points are. This is how it is for me at least.
i think you might want to watch this vid

It's one of my reason to re add troll class not as point class
i think you might want to watch this vid

It's one of my reason to re add troll class not as point class

Apart from the fact that there was nothing more effective (other than nazgul) in old EW than troll.
[quote user_id="14628767" avatar="https://cravatar.eu/helmavatar/assassiniv/74.png" name="assassiniv"]hmmm....
i think you might want to watch this vid

It's one of my reason to re add troll class not as point class

Apart from the fact that there was nothing more effective (other than nazgul) in old EW than troll.[/quote]
Spearman, loss, hammer, axe thrower ect
[quote user_id="7040062" avatar="https://cravatar.eu/helmavatar/Rikumaru/74.png" name="Rikumaru"][quote user_id="14628767" avatar="https://cravatar.eu/helmavatar/assassiniv/74.png" name="assassiniv"]hmmm....
i think you might want to watch this vid

It's one of my reason to re add troll class not as point class

Apart from the fact that there was nothing more effective (other than nazgul) in old EW than troll.[/quote]
Spearman, loss, hammer, axe thrower ect[/quote]

None of those even came close compared to troll. Loss did basically same dmg and had higher mobility, but died 50x faster and had no 1 shot rocks. Not only that but they were free kills for archers and nazgul (for some reason people thought loss countered nazgul?).
[quote user_id="7396155" avatar="https://cravatar.eu/helmavatar/arakrsptec/74.png" name="arakrsptec"]I am strongly pro point classes with new, non OP mechanics and will fight for you.
in minecraft you dont have much mechanics..[/quote]
*cough* cooldowns *cough*[quote user_id="7040062" avatar="https://cravatar.eu/helmavatar/Rikumaru/74.png" name="Rikumaru"][quote user_id="1458143" avatar="https://cravatar.eu/helmavatar/thebeserker/74.png" name="thebeserker"][quote user_id="7040062" avatar="https://cravatar.eu/helmavatar/Rikumaru/74.png" name="Rikumaru"][quote user_id="14628767" avatar="https://cravatar.eu/helmavatar/assassiniv/74.png" name="assassiniv"]hmmm....
i think you might want to watch this vid

It's one of my reason to re add troll class not as point class[/quote]

Apart from the fact that there was nothing more effective (other than nazgul) in old EW than troll.[/quote]
Spearman, loss, hammer, axe thrower ect[/quote]

None of those even came close compared to troll. Loss did basically same dmg and had higher mobility, but died 50x faster and had no 1 shot rocks. Not only that but they were free kills for archers and nazgul (for some reason people thought loss countered nazgul?).[/quote]
Loss could kill Nazgul very easily, if you consider the glitch that allowed you to damage a Nazgul while it was dropping you.