Ah. Well hello, there my fellow readers. I see you've returned for another installment of ventures into the remote. Well then. Let's begin, shall we?
The forest was ablaze with activity.
Soldiers punched one another and threw themselves hungrily in the direction of the Silmaril where the boy Cardiloc had disappeared. In the chaos, a multitude of tumultuous fracas' raged throughout the night. Many of the Ithilien rangers had returned to witness the ensuing fight as Noldo and Dunedain clashed. Celeborn and Glorfindel watched. The former seemed despondent and devoid of any energy whilst the latter appeared even more vexed than previously. His eyes fell upon Dimitri.
The Forochelrim was surrounded by a trio of Gondorians who had all drawn their blades. Nearby lay the fallen soldier who's kneecap had been shattered by the shifter's warhammer. He was screaming. Yet even his voice was drowned out by the chorus of shouts, yells, chants, curses and the myriad of other noises that echoed through the forest.
The moon glinted off Sigeric's Maia blade. Eonwe stood next to the Dalishman oblivious to the weapon as he remained an onlooker to the unfurling mayhem. Nearby stood Daugo, who glimpsed a boot hidden in a bush. Brown leather coated with chunks of blood and grit and dirt and other tidbits that were unidentifiable without further light.
Thoruk found himself viewing the scene next to Arandil. Both had seen the shining gemstone and its effect acted differently on each. Thoruk felt slightly drawn to it but was too exhausted to bother whilst Arandil was completely ensnared by its majesty. Each individual had watched Cardiloc disappear into the forest after being chased by a blur of blue that had appeared directly where Iver had stood. Speaking of which....where was Iver?
"Hand it over!" Future Ha'zi commanded Cardiloc whilst Iver watched transfixed in time as a blur. The Dalishman was barely able to breathe or move but he could contemplate what was happening even if he could do nothing. Ha'zi was a few paces behind Cardiloc as his future-self and his best friend faced off against one another. Yet he was too focused on something else. The second Silmaril. It had captured his eye the moment it was revealed and now it lay dangled between the fingers of his alternate self. Just there for the taking.

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