[quote user_id="12435726" avatar="https://cravatar.eu/helmavatar/legolouie/74.png" name="legolouie"]
[quote user_id="12435726" avatar="https://cravatar.eu/helmavatar/legolouie/74.png" name="legolouie"]I'm surprised that I'm never considered a veteran of the server even though I was most likely here before any of you guys were. I was here in those days where the only map was mini helms, the entire map was at the most like 75 blocks wide. Why am I never considered a veteran
Because you joined January 2015
Correction, joined the forums in 2015, a bit late a guess, but either way I remeber when isengard had trees, armor trolls Rekt, mini helms was the only map, when Minas Tirith had been not made of iron but also made of stone slabs, then to iron blocks.[/quote]
A lot of people claim that, everyone who joins the server joins the forums at least 6 months after they joined the server, 3 years is a bit exaggerated. Besides, your score is terrible for someone who has been on 3 years, and with your activity rate it should be on the first page if you're telling the truth :3. Also, the first time I saw you on the server is when I came back in Feb/March 2015[/quote]
My score is terrible because I kinda went off EW for a looong time, like 5 months (but every so often I come on, and a few times [though I didn't know this at the time] I saw donors arguing of some guy named lazee and flaming at each other, I didn't realize that was the akam vs lazee flame war) :-o , and even before that, I wasn't that active, maybe like an hour or so a week. I got angry with all the donor classes so I left, I tried conwy castle (which sucked), I tried snapcraft (which sucked), but then I got to Mineplex, and since I could get classes through earn-able gems, but after awhile, there was just soo many spammers, hackers, and just noobs so I left, when I came back I found out about the EULA changes along with all the point stuff, so I decided to stick to EW now. You probably did see me, but I wasn't a very "outspoken" player, I never talked much, a few times raged, but that was it, I kept to me own business. Also, I didn't join the forums for years because I never bothered to do anything, I was too lazy to report bugs, spammers, and hackers, I usually raged at them and then left

. The only reason I started going on the forums was because I got a 3 week ban for spamming, so I decided the only way to fix this was to finally get an account of years of time not having one, just to have/create a ban appeal, soon after I realized a whole ton of stuff I was missing and so I decided to get active on the forums like I did today. Also, how would I have remembered Isengard having trees, the old stone slab minas tirith, mini helms, the old moria map (you older players know what I'm talking about [the one with the bridge things and how the goblins would have to destroy or capture this core thing {I think that was it, I don't remeber that much from that time}]), armour troll, kings, lords, knights, etc donor ranks, and when minas morgul was I think made of green wool. How can I have the memories of always getting lost in those woods and not being able to find Orthanc for like 10 minutes, and being hit by an ent on the stairs to Orthanc and getting knocked onto one of the trees, how can I remember minas morgul when you had to use logs to bash the gates. Explain that if my story is fake.