New member
2 Days, 3 more people left the server:
Some autistic guy who i forget the name of
These are just a continuation of the people leaving. When a donor leaves, we lose funding. When a back or zoom leaves, we lose a chunk of our community. Zoomer isnt the first donor to leave either. Blaze left too. Now you see why i am concerned.
Why is this happening? Can someone please fill me in on what I am missing here? Should I take my leave too?
Some autistic guy who i forget the name of
These are just a continuation of the people leaving. When a donor leaves, we lose funding. When a back or zoom leaves, we lose a chunk of our community. Zoomer isnt the first donor to leave either. Blaze left too. Now you see why i am concerned.
Why is this happening? Can someone please fill me in on what I am missing here? Should I take my leave too?