So for a couple o weeks, its been popular on Minas tirith, to go up to the tree as constructor and build stuff.
its not like im trying to stop them, im just asking why?
Why waste your time building outside the warzone at a TDM server? (TeamDeathMatch)
if i kill one of the builders as Naz, every1 goes crazy and starts raging, telling me to get back to Warzone etc.
my answer to dat is: Go back to warzone -.-
Their gonna report me cuz im killing them? i think that if ur gonna build, u can do it on build or other places.
They cant expect to be 100% safe, its a friggin PvP server.
What do every1 else think about this? i think ur not supposed to do stuff like that on siege, etc. : P imma get so much hate for this... xD
its not like im trying to stop them, im just asking why?
Why waste your time building outside the warzone at a TDM server? (TeamDeathMatch)
if i kill one of the builders as Naz, every1 goes crazy and starts raging, telling me to get back to Warzone etc.
my answer to dat is: Go back to warzone -.-
Their gonna report me cuz im killing them? i think that if ur gonna build, u can do it on build or other places.
They cant expect to be 100% safe, its a friggin PvP server.
What do every1 else think about this? i think ur not supposed to do stuff like that on siege, etc. : P imma get so much hate for this... xD