Yea, well personally, I think it's rather more fun and more challenging getting the classes yourself; and you appreciate Nazgul or Balrog more when you buy it. I would rather prefer to be the guy who hard worked for his classes rather than "the beggar", and people roaring at you to pay back their points, which could even lead to distrust (if you didn't pay back the points) and perhaps some people even nasty to you. My conclusion, is that personally (you shouldn't ask for points of large quantities), as it may take you a long time to pay-back or a bad image may be formed upon thyself.
I think even a forum rule should be implemented to stop these threads, because the amount of Naz-guls is becoming far to great - most of the time actually 3-5 nazgul would be dead when less than half of the game has begun. Yes, other guys such as Kai, who you spoke of have begged their way to Naz-gul and Balrog; but the consequence is that people start being a dick to you, or merely bored with no classes to conquer. Not, just that but now people are jealous and yearn to have the points so sufficiently; and are pondering to get the class asap - most are disappointed, play the class a few times then start asking for more points for another class.