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New profile posts

So, probably the most American moment happened to me today.

After leaving the woods from camping for a few days, my friends and I decided to hit up a McDonalds an hour south of us on the way home. We were casually eatin our McDonalds, when suddenly a cop whips into the neighboring gas station and instantly whips out his pistol on two druggies trying to make way out of the parking lot in a 1999 Ford Explorer. Be me, casually continue on eating my fries. The most surprising part of it all were the people pumping gas like 10-30 feet away. They casually just leaned against their cars and just took a deep breath and watched all of it unfold, not flinching once and keeping their composure the whole time.

I am telling ya, the United States is whack.
As a Brit. Yes from the outside you're fuckin 'whack' too.
Guys, never give up or laugh at someone who says he is going to achieve something impossible!!: Here is why:

I'll take an example from my life experience:
Once, someone joined EpicQuestz and asked about the rank system. After fully and completely understanding it, he said: I'm going to earn creator.

I laughed at him in a /msg with someone, but guess what?
It was the first and the last time I saw this person. No, he didn't get creator.

that's life bitches, happy end is for noobs
this is so sad
damn, u really got us, did not go where i thought it was
They had us in the first half, not gonna lie
Citizens of EpicQuestz, Empire War, and BlackFlames

I'm going away for two weeks to Lebanon and Cyprus, and won't be active if all goes to plan. Hopefully I should still be around on Discord to answer questions, but I make no guarantees. This is meant to be a break.


Everything is going smoothly here, so I don't think you should need too much help. If you have any questions, talk to the_pharaohs_cat (Tirith, Dale) or Enoshade/LimeeFox (Rohan in general). Otherwise, message me and I should get back to you. I'm looking for an Editor for the Newsletter in two weeks, and I should choose them soon.

Empire War

Assume nothing will be happening from me on Empire War over the next two weeks. I've told Tim *everything* that still needs to be done, and it's my profound regret that I haven't been able to release the Helms/Point Shop update before my departure. If Tim is around, he should be a safe pair of hands to fix all my fuckups xD


Unfortunately I'll effectively be missing the first 10 days or so of this, but I have a good set of deputies in the council. Thu, Dimi, Polar and Sammyfanta will effectively run the Kingdom of Blackfyre in-game during my absence, but as I mentioned I should still be around to advise.

I probably didn't need to make this post, but it should act as a good link-to if anyone asks why I'm not fixing stuff <3
Haven't posted in a while. So I started working on this 1 year old project for a few days lol probably not gonna finish it.
I think that it's too much minecraft haha
We did it boys. School is no more.

Yes, yesterday I finished school. School is no more. It's over
Ok to make this clear, the picture I pinned to my wall is a joke, I appreciate all your congratulations but I feel like you all fall in the trap.
What are you talking about, I mean....... Congratulations!!!
Wow you are mod? :stuck_out_tongue: Congratulations
At least I've only said im officially leaving once.. and come back, but for real, I'm going to be active a lot and I hope to see EW grow this summer as minecraft is sorta coming back.

I said I wouldn't be using enjin or reading your guys walls 8 months ago, and i didnt but now I will be using it. Drew assassin mack cool berserker goal bobby brom ahna fire ish aaron arak aj mk tiger gravy adam borin captain slime cory shix fj tim gelek elrith ender freek gym grey nik getfugu lotrloz fire mark Md zoom kicker pharaoh mile tobber szuc onlygod gombar wither schnitzel those are just SOME of the names I remember & miss seeing every time i hopped on the server whether it was prime hours or late at night.
I wrote this as a freshmen. I’m graduating soon and I got my letter back. I was 14 & still obsessed with minecraft. “EW for life”
(I am bored so here's a question)
What would you do if you had exacly 1 hour to live?
Post your answer in the comments below.
I guess I'd tell compliments to people I like, and idk maybe chat with someone. Oh and leave passwords to random media accounts on a piece of paper.
Would probably just watch my fav vines and memes again and tell relatives how much I love them. The memes are always top priority!!!