Empire War v.2 has been up for a little over two years now. That means it's existed for over half the length of v.1, which I suppose is remarkable in a way.
I freely admit that it's been a bumpy ride, and it's been a damn sight harder to keep us going now than on the old server. The climate of Minecraft servers is far more hostile, especially in the java edition, whose player numbers - I am certain - have decreased.
I have a problem in that I can't give up on something like Empire War, which has been unashamedly a major part of my life for pushing half a decade now. Whilst yes, we can lament and look back to the 'good old days', for me the server still has vast amounts of potential, and fathoms of fun still to be had.
I have no intention of ever stopping my efforts on Empire War, and am proud to call myself chief-pesterer to sjoerdtim, and will be sure to annoy and harass him until Empire War achieves its true potential.
I hope this time next year I'll be celebrating three years of a reborn server.