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New profile posts

Credits to LimeeFox, he put a lot of efford in this meme so I would feel bad if I didn't post it here.
thank you de_milk
It came trueeeee
The EpicQuestz Build Server has been released to the public!

Ok, this is Epic(Questz). Now you needn't make a whitelist application to join, as we have turned the whitelist off. Come on and start building right away, or have a look around our builds.

There may be some hitches, but if there are be sure to tell one of us EQ staff members right away. Check out our news post on the whole event here:

You should also join our discord to get regular updates on progress etc: https://discord.gg/WFkz6H5
Oh you can also help keep us up by donating ;) See the ranks and perks here: epicquestz.buycraft.net

As many of you know, I (help) run Empire War's sometimes-sister build server called EpicQuestz. We have decided to move off enjin to a more flexible and professional platform, and I'd like to show it to you all

Here is the new website itself:

It'd be great if you could have a look at the forums too. You can log-in with discord to make it all easier: https://forums.epicquestz.com/

Any feedback would be appreciated. We haven't quite finished transferring stuff (and some of the Planet Minecraft links will be broken), but it's very almost done.

P.S: Our old site will remain up forever at https://epicquestz.enjin.com/
Why does American Netflix have so much more content than Swedish Netflix? Why do I have to wait a whole fucking year for Gotham s5 when Americans are getting it NOW!? Boycott comming soon
Cuz Eu sucks
Same for UK netflix. Fucking sucks.
Just torrent it lol
Fuck Denmark, Our neighbors are shit. Norway is kinda cool though.
Fight me, Disstrack comming soon.
So, guess who just totaled their car going at a whopping 5MPH?

How the hell do I manage shit like this?
Tell me more
Was driving on somewhat icy road, trying to get my friend home, and I was going around a slight bend in the road, and suddenly Deja Vu could be heard playing off in the near distance when the ground started shaking and Ben Shapiro landed from the heavens and yeeted my car into a nearby guardrail. "Another libtard rekt," he yelled into the snow laden landscape, declaring yet another victory, all before he disappeared in a cloud of the ashes of welfare checks and snow. That's what happened.
*tries to think of something to respond to this disaster* oof
Still my favorite screenshot from EmpireWar.
"I'm gonna be different and go archer to support the melee players this round"
Me leading around 20 uruks from the bridge on Edoras
Wheres the riot wall!
So, quite a long time ago I had bought an optifine cape and I had it for quite a while. But some time last year when I came back to MC for a while after being inactive I realized that my cape was gone. At the time, however, I didn't think too much of it and thought it just had something to do with me resetting my computer and changing emails and stuff on minecraft.

But today when I logged in to optifine to download an older version of optifine since I wanted to play Pokemon Cobalt and Amethyst I had a message that said:
"The cape was moved from "Gooala" to "BenZiLi" by the cape owner on 15.05.2018 02:47h."

So long story short, someone had somehow gained access to my optifine account and then stole my cape...

I'm not really mad or anything, i'm just amused by the fact that someone would actually hack into my account just for a cape
Empire War v.2 has been up for a little over two years now. That means it's existed for over half the length of v.1, which I suppose is remarkable in a way.

I freely admit that it's been a bumpy ride, and it's been a damn sight harder to keep us going now than on the old server. The climate of Minecraft servers is far more hostile, especially in the java edition, whose player numbers - I am certain - have decreased.

I have a problem in that I can't give up on something like Empire War, which has been unashamedly a major part of my life for pushing half a decade now. Whilst yes, we can lament and look back to the 'good old days', for me the server still has vast amounts of potential, and fathoms of fun still to be had.

I have no intention of ever stopping my efforts on Empire War, and am proud to call myself chief-pesterer to sjoerdtim, and will be sure to annoy and harass him until Empire War achieves its true potential.

I hope this time next year I'll be celebrating three years of a reborn server.
I'm really quite interested in and excited for that. I hope its a success and a good game :p
Oh hecc
Happy new year everyone! I wish for you to have an awesome 2019.

I've got Dynamics and a big-ass Rohan flag as present!