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  • Mission accomplished: accepted as traveller to build server! Just in time too, Lockrukes made his rounds right after I submitted my app...
    First photo for Epiquestz build server application: Elvish Village
    I'll take another one after I've posted the rest
    I'ma back and better than ever! Working on getting back into forums, and may I just say that I missed you guys?

    Titan, if you see this I saw your recent post and I'm coming to RP in a few days, so don't start this new world without me!

    Small life update and confession: After Exams and stuff were over I sort of decided I wouldn't be coming back as I figured I would have more time to do other things and that sort. Later though I started to realize that I had probably the most fun I've ever had on a game here, and hopefully I'll be able to be as active as I was before I left.

    Another small update: Working on applying for build server, after that I'm going to get back into RP and finally get into forums.
    Regent of Carthage
    Regent of Carthage
    Nope, it's still happening. BTW, I used to rule Isengard. Don't be peaceful.
    Well guys, I'm sorry to say I won't be able to come online for a while.
    I've been struggling with homework ever since school started, being in multiple high-school classes though I'm only in 8th grade. I've tried to keep up with it as well as spend time on forums (Specifically RP, if any of you were thinking: Wat? You were never on forums anyway.) but schoolwork is proving too much for me to handle as well as juggling all this other stuff, forums included. This is sort of magnified by the fact that semester exams are coming up soon (sort of). So for now, I guess I'll say 'see you later,' and hopefully by winter break the work will start to ease up. so... See ya guys later.
    Noooooooo, see ya soon! (Hopefully)
    Well I got the LOTR mod. Only problem is I haven't gotten passed the Lone-Lands yet because I have to kill every orc I see, including invasions. CURSES YOU ORCSSES.
    Regent of Carthage
    Regent of Carthage
    Just see if you can't hire elven archers and dwarven warriors, maybe some horse guys.
    You desired swimming.
    But we desired home.
    This was the most random post you ever could have made. -_-
    Well so far my first week back has been full of me doing Catch-Up HW, not much MC. So expect me back fully operational in a couple of days.
    I'M BACK And I never though I would miss my little shack of a house and my crappy internet so much in my life....
    P.S. Titan or Riko or somebody can you give me the basic info on what's going on with LOTR and SW RP, like the important changes?
    Mmm. Ok, I'll ask more explanatory questions on the actual posts :P
    Been on vacation since Tuesday and will still be gone for another week. Sorry guys if I can't RP, Uzbekistan has horrible internet -_- But i'll try to check up on forums a couple times.
    Just an Orc camp I've been building, 6 hour build. Kinda crude and basically made up of 3 different types of structures, but I'm proud of it
    That looks amazing man!
    they with angmar , forging weapons for us cuz we helped them to get their homeland back

    You seriously dont want have angmar as an enemy...
    Not even Saruman will be able to save you.
    It'sa not me as I've already said, plus too late. Sorry. But they're enjoying it and It's not like they'll all die, It's doubtful I'll even take Bree, though that still is a possibility. IK you're red I wasn't thinking when I posted :P
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