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Atomic Bomb
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  • ((Forgot about this RP))
    The Philippine Empire starts to launch an offensive against the British Empire. The will be bombarded by ironclads, supported by biplanes bombers. Infantry would try to do naval landings. It is like a whole new naval Blitzkrieg.
    ((What did you send btw, a diplomat or a radio transmission?
    The diplomat would be beaten up and be tortured. He was told this, "You bombed us when the tea sucking bastards attacked us, and now you wanted an alliance? Get the fuck out of the motherland, maggot!" and would be thrown out.
    Ottoman forces begin to rest, as they have finally retaken the Balkans.

    The Crimean army is pushed back at the siege of Kiev, and is on the retreat.

    The battle of Helinski begins, with Scandinavian and Russian troops fighting.
    I give the request you want but weapon factories are still controlled by Russia and I request ally
    Atomic Bomb
    Atomic Bomb
    A Scandinavian diplomat says "no, we want all of Saint Petersburg. It has the industry and population that we want, that's why we need it."
    Accepted,I also want backup for that Polish troops surrendering my coutnry
    We have been beaten back many times. Annexed by many. Partitioned by many more. But the Polish Fatherland refuses to deny its birthright, independence. We will fight and die for it. We will refuse for any nation to take it. At this moment the Russian pig dog invades our eastern lands to take them from our grasp. We shall refuse them from this as we have denied many others. The people now rally around the great red and white. The Polish Eagle shall never surrender!

    On March 20 a great offensive is launched to free our Baltic brothers of Russian rule. Three hundred artillery pieces open up at the strike of 12 o' clock A.M. The bombardment ends. A great roar is heard as the Polish trench lines come alive with many charging into the Russian lines. As this occurs, any machine gun positioned is targeted by biplanes with passengers dropping single bombs. Positions identified with high Russian forces have trench darts dropped on them which pierce helmets and any other armor. Prussian forces are to be assisted with the legendary Winged Hussars. Supplies are requested from the Italians.

    ((I'll give the Russian leader 32 hours before I treat this as a Polish victory.))

    With the last of the eastern Polish cities retaken, fortifications are to be made. The cities are to stay in disrepair in case of another Russian attack. The fortification of Riga occurs as Polish forces prepare for another Russian onslaught.

    Military factories are to be built in the west whilst the port city of Danzig is to be also fortified and to churn out cruisers and destroyers. ((I assume we don't have submarines?))
    ((None of this is PGing. Remember that he never responded to the attacks on the captured Eastern Polish cities. Therefore, I now own them. I'm letting him respond to the attack.
    No clue what you just said. Now would you mind responding to the actual post?
    *to this attack.
    Tanks are now armored with machine guns mounted on top and troop carriers are loading the troops.
    Atomic Bomb
    Atomic Bomb
    Jo just a heads up, we only have biplanes right now.
    Russia created a new army unit called 'Black Eagles' that will protect the capital city.There are now fighter plane patrols around capital city.

    (Lets make some realistic sentences!)
    -+- Factory Transaction History -+-
    Transaction ID 001 From Government Price : 500M
    Transaction Note : Tank And Plane Funds

    -+- 5 Days Later -+-
    Engineers tried to make a heavy unit carrier plane(known as chinook but much more weak)and succeed Russia now can carry 5 tanks and 40 troopers in per carrier.
    I'm not going to change the date drastically, just 25 years. However, a German scientist has invented a plane and a car. This tech spreads, and now early tanks (artillery and machines guns with armor put in large cars basically) are spread to any nation outside of North Africa (it's to hard to travel there still)

    ((The Americas will soon be opened for colonization))
    Atomic Bomb
    Atomic Bomb
    Year is 1875
    wow.. tanks in 1875. Is this steampunk now? lmao
    Dark Duo
    Eh you know people have been traveling to North Africa for about 9000 years?
    (Forgot this rp)

    <Secret>Russia is spying the enemy office radio,spies finds out the coordinates for the weapon facility in the capital city of enemy.<Secret>

    Russia accepts China ally offer.

    Russia cannons hits the capital city of enemy(dont know who is my enemy xd),after 3 hours capital is abondoned and there is a open shelter door in the middle of street contains a horrible scene inside.
    (And if its still 1850 I will rage xd it should be pass like 50 years and we have to start use tanks and p-10 ki-61 etc. planes)
    Atomic Bomb
    Atomic Bomb
    Date changed to 1875, view my new wall post for new technology available
    Scandinavia decides Russia is more of a threat than Prussia, and war is declared. Scandinavia changes their alliance to the side of Prussia and what remains of Poland. A huge offensive begins starting with the siege of Saint Petersburg, along with Prussian and Polish troops beginning to take back cities in eastern Poland.

    Meanwhile, the British launch an attack on several Fillipino held islands.

    The countries of Northern Africa decide its time to do something about Spain, and begin assaulting the shores of Gilbitrar (lmao I think I spelled that wrong) and other areas of southern Spain.

    The Greeks surrender to the Ottoman Empire and gets annexed. The Ottomans then begin deciding whether or not to get involved in the world war Russia has seemed to have started, and on which side.

    Finally, the Japanese begin an invasion of Manchuria and begin taking towns in the south.
    Tupac GeneralJo12 assassiniv Grissum1
    Atomic Bomb Oh damn, I'm sorry I couldn't attend the RP. I literally went inactive for a period of time in all forums and games and such. I've been focusing in other things and literally forgot about the RP.

    When will there be another RP so I can roleplay in it, I won't go inactive! xd
    Atomic Bomb
    Atomic Bomb
    It's the same RP rn lol. It just isn't popular kek
    Just thought you should all know, I'm changing my username on the forums to "Kaoz_Blue"

    It was a shitty joke I made with my friend that you wouldn't think was funny.
    Is it just me or is dualingo wrong? I'm pretty sure niña means girls. Either way it costed me my perfect score I thought I'd have

    Why are you looking at this even?
    yall need to ask [user]13527980[/user]
    Mechanic Rex
    The problem was that you wrote woman, not women. Both "women" and "girls" are acceptable options for that one, but you have to make sure to use the plural
    What he said
    Quick question for anyone who knows Spanish:

    When do I use "como" "come" or "comes?" I know I can't just use any whenever I want

    For example:

    Tú (como/comes/come) manzanas. (You eat apples)

    What do I use, como, comes, or come?
    Atomic Bomb
    Atomic Bomb
    I'm learning on dualingo met lmao. I wouldn't cheat
    Como= I eat. Como= Like. Cómo= How. Depends on the context, though it's usually not hard to figure out when it's a verb and when it's an adverb. Comes= You eat. Come= He eats, she eats. Comen= Y'all eat, they eat. Comemos= We eat.
    "Comes" means "you eat".
    What college does a cow go to???


    buh duh tsh
    ((Shit. I forgot about this one))
    The Philippine Navy starts to bombard the cannon defenses. It focus on extremely weakening the defenses on the coast.
    Atomic Bomb
    Atomic Bomb
    Lmao most of us have. We probably just gotta be more active
    In the morning,Russian docks started to prepare.Cannons are moved to ships.Ships are moving into Philippine docks.Cannons started shelling docks.1 hours later Russian troopers killed last resistance and cleared and fully secured the dock.
    ((1st of all, this is clearly PG. Only the DM is allowed to determine the outcome of this battle. 2nd of all, that is not a very smart move. you have other wars to deal with. lmao
    Atomic Bomb
    Atomic Bomb
    Yes [user]18559269[/user]please stop PGing. I don't want to kick anybody this early. Also Grissum is correct, that was an extremely bad move now that you're at war with 4 nations.
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