Alright, lets start simple. I've just gotten a couple msgs generally saying: "Why do you hate me now?". I'm just gonna say when I go on the forums I expect debate, hatespeech (sometimes) and hefty amounts of criticism *glances at Matron*. When I leave the forums, I leave that as well. What I say to and about people is generally jokingly or stating a funny fact even still jokingly. If you are offended, Alright, offend me in turn. If you think I'm trying to be rude for the sake of being so, well that's your problem entirely cause you've most likely got me all wrong unless I actually really do not like you in which case you will learn that pretty quickly. If I argue with you on the forums and push comes to shove then we're talking on the server and you're like "wtf you hated me?". Hardly the case for I do not hate you unless I've straight out said it in which case if you don't think I hate you when I've so openly said so then something's wrong and you probably need medical help. Just a little notice for all you overly serious people who think to much.