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  • What do you think my skin should be, undead kookaburra or crow?
    I went with neither ;3 Phantom Cluck 3 sp00ky 5 m3
    So ima make a Samhain/All Hallows' Evening/Halloween skin, I made a CrowmanTheDerp one already but I'd like to hear yer suggestions.
    Lel here's another one of those pseudo-suggestions xP (I think the "elven sword drawing" represents a retextured golden hoe)
    Love that "rage here" thread, lets me vent so much of my excess rage instead of just tucking it in a corner till it dies away C;
    Oh and the map xd (it's oversimplified, I'm actually a way better drawer than that ;3)
    This was an idea agen and me had a looong time ago for a skirmish or battle of Ithilien xd
    So a while ago, when the CluckmanTheDerp account didn't even exist and I played as agencolar, we both made "possible map suggestions" in a notebook. I found it recently, and it's kinda funny, they seem like fun (and oddly familiar...) ;3 Never mind my horrible calligraphy xP
    Say your top tv shows!
    Romance :S
    I'll do mine:
    Drama (Fictional): Supernatural, Fringe, Heroes, Alphas, X-Files, Lost, The Whispers
    Drama (Believable): The Blacklist
    Comedy: Friends, Everybody Loves Raymond, Seinfeld, The Office, Parks and Recreation, Malcom in the Middle, Regular Show
    #1 Medic
    #1 Medic
    Avatar (the last airbender AND legend of Korra), pokeman x y, Jim's world, 2/1 men, stargate atlantis and how I met your mother.
    So many great tv shows will air within these next two weeks...
    -The Blacklist season 3
    -Heroes Reborn
    -Supernatural season 11
    -Another one I can't remember ;3
    Wao, 21 notifications... 19 were votes from Ahnafrahman... Could he be bak...
    Or am I... But srsly I'm less sociable than most of my online frendz, even you are nearing 100 frendz
    Plox halp... It's been teo weeks and a half without multiplayer mc, since my wifi isn't being nice. It works fine on webpages, and decently when watching Netflix. Not Hulu plus tho. Router works, we checked with the cable company, everything's in order... But when I log on to mc multiplayer, I lose connection after at most three minutes. Agen tried using Ethernet, didn't work either... Pl0x halp da Cluckz D;
    Ah yus sorreh. Lemme reriet dat: itz bin to wikz anda helf widaut melterpleya emci, sinz mi waifai int beeig niez. Workz fien on wepeigez, and deezentli wen wetching netflerx, nut heler doe. Rauta werkz, etc etc
    Two... Weeks... Without... Servers... This is how a man breaks... What is this sorcery...
    My wifi is being stupid. It seems to have maybe been damaged by storm Erika x.x
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