Hereby follows the thrice-renowned story of a chicken called Clucky:
Once upon a time there was a lil' chickun who went by the name of Clucky. Clucky was sweggy indeed, and soon became a man/rooster. Now, it came to pass that one day, Clucky (who had changed his name to Cluckeh) was basking in the sun with a couple of rooster friends, when a troop of humans (drat them) came bearing shotguns and overalls. Clucky, being second-in-command under his poppa Cluckerone, approached the men.
"Howdy der. Wot b ur business heer in ma pop's village?" Said Cluckeh, standing up.
The men seemed to not have heard him. They nodded to what looked like their leader before starting a barrage of shots. Only Clucky, having turned tail and run, survived. Hiding behind a bush, he saw how the men massacred his family and friends, and took their bodies in bags. He even heard them say from time to time things like "dis un'll be taesteh" or "crep, dis un's underfed. Won't meik a decent meal."