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  • how to shut someone up for good (part 3 of So pathetic...)
    pppst guuuys! your supposed to to say what heeee said on the previous pooooosts!
    lol "your blog"
    a remake of my characters story, i also corrected words and added missing details.

    the long and painful story of Decay begins in a land were most if not all living things end, a place between time and space, a place the ancient race of men has dubbed 'The End' for fairly obvious reasons, but its roots go deeper, yes a darker place than the end lies through a portal between times' time and space's space. he was once a member of an ancient, and isolated race of creatures without gender, without evil. they were gods among men, elves, falmer, and beasts alike. not much is known of the original name of 'its' story, the name given to him by his followers and creatures who are to fear him only know this being as one name, Decay, The Witherer also known as Decay, The Death bringer. but it is not as it seems, Decay is not inherently evil, he has reasons for the things he does no matter how morbid or even 'evil' as they seem, but alas, we are going very much off track, so... lets start at the beginning of the beginning......... Decay lived in a village on the outskirts of the outer islands that belonged to the peaceful, and yet wise Empire of Písti, Písti was governed by The Dragon, the wisest of the beings now only known as The Endfolk, which Decay is the last of... but we'll get to that part later, Decay's Village's name has been lost to the ages much like the original name of Decay, not even the location of the site is known, all that is known of Decay and his people is that he was interested in the dark, and forbidden art of Withering, known as necromancy by men, and thánatos by elves and Falmer... his Family was less than disappointed and for this, by the time he was at the young age of 134, he was disowned and, banished even further into the tiny floating rocks spanning the endless, black void. he was free to practice his art in his small hut, but still missed the smell of fresh-harvested Chorous Fruit, and longed to see his Family again. this was, until one day... an idea sparked in his mind, he believed that if he were to bring back the first king, Igétis to life, he could get the approval of the Písti Empire, and most importantly, to him at least... his family. but, fate had different plans in mind for Decay, and upon Awakening, Igétis had become mad, insane even, for he did not belong in this world, he made the instant choice to enter the kósmos and take over the world of men. after this the Písti Empire Banished Decay into the world of the dead, known as The Nether by elves, and Hell by Men...... meanwhile, in the kósmos the Mad Dragon King was killed by the Human king known by the name of ilíthios of Umbar he had figured the Dragon was the Current king of the Endfolk and decided they were weakened, crippled even... he decided not only would he conquer his world, but time and space as well... he marched upon the ancient stronghold of ischyrós and descended into the end, the Endfolk put up great resistance, for when he arrived he had come in error, there was still a king in the end! despite his disadvantage, they eventually crumpled under his war-hardened army of trained killers. simultaneously in the nether, Decay understood what he must do, and collected the few, but needed materials required to raise the dead, he was going to raise himself from the underworld, despite being not dead... The place was too warm, and too harsh for him... he was used to the Freezing temperatures of endless void. but alas... much to his dismay, it took him 450 years to escape his prison... and when he returned 'home' all was not as expected... his home and his families home had been reduced to rocks from the endless winds of the end, the only remnants of what had been the Písti Empire lied in piles of bone and ash, a tethered flag hung of the city, Umbar... for this, Decay went on a Rampage... he then killed the city, and every man on it, leaving the women widowed, and all children without a father, he then took his claim to the throne of Umbar, and there he has sat... for hundreds of years he has sat distraught, making sure the farmers provided food for families... providing work for those without jobs, for the life of a man was a mere blink in the life of any Endfolk, realizing he is the last of his kind, he cares for nature and all creatures, because of this he allowed umbar to become overgrown, wild animals moved in. any inhabitants of umbar grew to love these animals, as so did decay, but Decay HATES mankind, it is unlikely this will ever change, for mankind led to the extinction of his once great and Regal race of gods among men.
    Dynamic Hybrids would make Ice Dragons and Fire Dragons compatible, but in a different way than what one might hope. An idea for the matter of breeding the two dragons is, 1. Both parents must have near 100% happyness to their owners for the dragons to even tolerate each other, even less than mate.(It should be a really rare event for them to.) 2. If they do mate and create offspring, said offspring would be unlike ether of its parents, and due to its parents being largely different than one another, would be stunted and "malformed". 3. Said offspring would appear to be a small a Dark Brown Fire Dragon with the tail fin of a Ice Dragon, the Dragon Hybrid has no elemental attack and can only grow to the size and power of a stage 2 dragon. this creature would be known as a "Wyrm". However Wyrms can be considered a Tamed species and are easier to take care of and deal with.

    Essentially they are a weaker and smaller breed of dragons that are unnatural and don't ever spawn in the wild, but they are "cheaper" and easier to train due to them being calmer than they larger parents/cousins. And they don't eat as much, since they don't need to "refill" their breath attack, being as they do not have one.

    In essence a Wyrm would be the inexpensive and simpler means of having a dragon, and would go great in a multi-player economy as a dragon breeder profession, and is The Dragons' version of a Mule breed.

    legend tells of a wyrm born on a full moon, with monsterous capabilities... and who's rider would never be found.

    it is called... the Drahaka!

    a Wyrm born on a full moon would be called a Drahaka, the Drahaka grows the size of a stage 3 dragon, spits scaulding hot water that gives you an effect called "scorched" which damages you over time, the Drahaka can also secrete a thick misty fog that causes very low visibily of the beings around it, players in this fog would only be able to see 2 or 3 meters into the fog in front of them, like a super tiny render-distance. the Drahaka, however cannot breath its breath or secrete mist unless it has been around water, or fed large amounts of water, every time a ability is used it would take its water level down by 5%
    a drahaka looks very much like its weaker sibling, the wyrm. with one major difference being that the Drahaka contains a large frill shape on its neck, and a fin-like structure below/on the neck, and another being that it has a very dark blue basic body shape, with the tail fin, neck frill, and jaw frill being a sea teal. the bottom of the wings are littered with white spots creating the illusion of a mere night sky to creatures below it. what the Drahaka lacks in power, makes up for in stealth. a good creature

    since both wyrms, and drahakas are technically the same species, they both need the same thing to be hatched, they need a body of water with fire or lava directly below it, like the following image depicts
    the history of those ancient jungle temples and mesa mine-shafts:

    The history of Eleuia is a long and horrific tale filled with bloodshed. The people originally came from islands off of the coast of the mainland though had been driven out by disease, causing them to gradually migrate to the great jungles of Zyveria. For years they were hunter-gatherers, wandering the landscape. A particular nomadic group, known today only as Vishanwa, Eleuian for Great Wanderers, had let loose one of their eagle companions, allowing the proud bird to soar through the air until coming to land in an area suitable for them to finally settle.. Seeing the land as a gift from the gods, the ancient Zyveria had decided to call this area as home. Using only the resources around them, many buildings were formed of a variety of wood within the jungles along with vines, large leaves, and stone from the surrounding area. The first years of the settlement were rough and many died, rival tribes who had come from the islands and the natives of Eleuia having had assaulted the city many times as they believied they were protecting something of great value. Each invasion had not come to fruition for the attackers however, the invaders having come to their doorstep though could not suffer through the defenders whom knew these jungles all to well, thus leaving the now growing settlement untouched. Over the course of hundreds of years, the Vishanwa population grew as did their city. Their government became more complex as the original families fill the role of nobility and the head of family ascending to royalty. They found great wealth under the jungle ground, massive veins of gold that ran deep below the debris that scattered the jungle having been mined out for a great amount of wealth. The gold became a symbol of status, the chieftains having taken to wearing massive headdresses of gold and feathers and the noblemen sporting large pieces of jewelry. Yet with wealth also comes greed and on occasions upstart warlords would gain power and monger around the jungle, plundering the wealth of the local Vishanwa. Although challenge births greatness, this meager group of nomads coming to disappear into a mighty empire that ruled over the whole jungle uncontested. The Vishanwa were no more, the Eleusians had been born
    my motto is, the more guns and swords you have, the harder it is for someone to kidnap you, stay safe... buy katanas
    holy crap! minecraft is taking things from the lore of my character, hence Vex's and Evokers.

    "Quote from gurujive >>

    Has 'fang attack'

    Summons a stream of fangs coming out of the floor, damaging mobs.

    Has own sounds.

    Spawns "vexes" described below.

    Spawn in Woodland Mansions.

    Drops Totem of Undying

    Small, flying mobs.

    Hostile towards the player.

    Can fly through walls (noclip)

    Has own sounds.

    Spawn in Woodland Mansions.

    Not only can this evil villager use his magical league of legends like single line attack, he can also summon a small army of ghost like creatures you can't run from.

    This alone sounds quite terrifying and I'd like to know how this cast out wannabe villager managed to pull this off.
    Cuz ya know, steve doesn't have a straight line linear magic attack that summons fangs from the ground to consume his opponents... lol.

    How did this happen!? Baffled at the moment. I would go to say normal villagers don't like magic."

    REPLY -

    "Quote from ChameleonRed >>

    The Magic 'Evokers' have is a gift given to them by Decay - The Witherer, this can be seen in the Uncanny similarities between Vex's and Decay himself, they are miniature versions of himself. all Steve would do is condemn Decay the same way the village Condemned the illagers"
    i found this bullet ant in my bathroom, the fucker stung me and it was like being stabbed in the back with a knife that had been in hot coals for 3 hours!

    Omg! are u ok!?!
    i be fine
    how to be creepy 101:

    ♪ hush, little baby don't say a word. daddy's gonna make sure your screams are never heard. and if those cuts may hurt your soul, know that its better than the cold, dark world. ♫
    Lol!! i an dying i am laughing so hard!!
    you are, huh? kinda creepy...
    ♪ keep the fire bright, i can see your breath... as the cold creeps in, you are beyond death. take a leap of faith. unless your scared to try, now brace yourself for me, and prepare to die. ♫
    ♪ k-k-k-keemstar, i know where your meeeemes are.

    they're on your face

    they're on some gay trains

    they're on ugly gnomes with big fat goatees.

    no need to worry. your secret is sa-afe with me.

    a luliby can say goodbye to online racial lies.


    k-k-k-keemstar i don't know where your memes are

    they used to be spread far.

    but now they stand for a name that doesn't really travel far.

    drama alert was a thing of the past, the moment it was screamed at.

    by gay little kids who fucked their dogs, and also got laughed at.

    you slept with your pet leaf snake.

    oh how that was a mistake.

    because when that snake bit your face it was all over for you. ♫

    lyrics to be continued...
    oh hi there, i couldn't help but notice that you were crying because some1 called youz names's over ze internets

    i has an ideas for youz
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