i Theorize the Baryonyx, Suchomimus and Spinosaurus are all the same dinosaur.
so i shall now dub the species Suchofalsus meaning False Crocodile
Suchofalsus is unlike most reptiles or even any birds, in the way that it is born from the Womb of the Adult, it looks very different from the adult in a few ways, one being that it is born without a sail. like crocodiles, this creature is Amphibious. never straying very far from its lake or river. its skin needs to stay relatively wet in order to survive and it cannot live very long without being able to drink water. Suchofalsus is a piscivore, meaning it primarily eats fish, however when the creature is older it can sit in wait just under the water, and the rush out of said water when prey is taking a drink.
Suchofalsus starts out as what was previously thought to be Suchomimus, then as it grows up procceds into what was known as Baryonyx, and finally the known and loved Spinosaurus. since the Spinosaurus gives live birth, it cannot be born with the sail, therefor the sail grows and develops over time.