ok not like anyone cares but im tired of dumbasses telling me otherwise and giving me false hope. let me break down my future:
i will live on, obtain every material thing in the world my heart ever desired, the world will be my playground and i will do whatever i want within it. but i will not be loved, no by people, friends, or family. i will not find a lover, because im too damaged to be able to handle it. i wont ever be mature in that regard, nobody wants me. nobody will ever respect me, or even understand me. i will be at the top of the world metaphorically and yet i will always be miserable because none of that actually matters to be. i wont ever be whole, or truly confident in any decision i make. im cursed, not by circumstance, not by my upbringing, but by my shitty decisions. i have nobody to thank for the next 100 years of misfortune coming my way but myself, and yes i fucking hate it. but what can ya do? too late for it all anyway. so stop tryna convince me otherwise. i have a job to do, so do you, there isnt a single fucking prick on this planet that doesnt. so stop distracting me from the program, and let me do what needs to be done. thanks.