soon when all your rights are stripped away from you, your personal details sold to mega-corporations who then relay it to the police, who will scrutinize every detail of your personal life, and make living itself illegal. when the police start ignoring the constitution, and become the biggest and most powerful governmental branch, and the U.S. becomes a bunch of police-states who loosely cooperate to take your freedom away from you. when you are too broke to afford bread, because so-called democratic socialism said that everyone should be equal, when equal only applies to the lower-class, and only when they're equally poor. when your votes dont matter, and the "democratic" portion of democratic socialism is tossed out the window, because the elections are rigged. when your wife and two daughters are raped, and murdered because you cant own a firearm to protect them from the armed intruders who don't care that guns have been banned, and the police took too long to respond to your 911 call, because they where too busy manufacturing criminals out of normal, decent people, leaving the real criminals free-reign over the terrified, huddled masses. when you are alone, starving, stripped of all rights, a serf, who works weekends in a 9-5 job with no overtime, and continuous extended shifts, with no bathroom breaks except it doesn't matter because you don't have any bowels to void, you work tirelessly, hungry, and parched, your lips pulled back across your jaw, cracked in painful, tumultuous ripples, riddled with disease because, although you now have free healthcare, any quack can work for the hospital, and the medical practices become sloppy and undisciplined, just to make ends meet. when you come home to a 1 room apartment without any bathroom, or shower, and you're over $500,000.26 in debt, and your existence is reduced to mindless drivel, tirelessly working so that the upper-class can sit in their ivory towers, which have been built upon the backs of you, and your brothers, and sisters, and cousins and grandmothers, their sisters, and their brothers. on the backs of your aunt, your uncle and your neighbor, sipping white wine and laughing because they stole all your rights, and made them theirs. only then will you understand what you are losing, what you are signing away, and why we cant let these madmen fighting amongst themselves for power, achieve said power, or any of their goals for that matter.