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  • check out this thing i made. i spent hours on it and it's still unfinished, please like it, i crave validation and attention due to a lifetime of neglect and abuse.
    all the people im attracted to and can relate with are either taken, have previous engagements, or just arent looking for anything.

    kinda depressing but whatever, i've never needed anyone else to keep going, spent the entire 18 years of my life alone and i still graduated highschool 2 years early and am well on my way to a successful life. i like sports and martial arts and playing the piano and drawing and writing and cooking, i have a badass sense of fashion and i throw shade and refuse to apologize. anyone who doesnt want to have me is honestly just missing out.

    good old fashion healthy amount of self love bitches, not self obsession.
    hey so i dont often come onto this site but i wanna let you know that a large portion of you fucked me up pretty bad, threw me for a tailspin a couple times, but ya never broke me.
    Okay, here we go. Been a while, whatever the heck - here's your first and current impression (:

    First Impression:

    Well, from the words of my past self: "What a d-head he is." I can't remember why.... I've pretty much forgotten the crap side of everyone that've improved a long way from their crappiness... so really I can't remember but I recall you being incredibly toxic- and that was in my past opinion when I first came across you I guess.

    Current Impression:

    Well, you've grown a lot from the toxicity you used to have, and honestly? I think you're pretty great. You've evidently gone through a ton of crap in your life, but you're pretty great in my opinion, despite how you might've acted in past, despite how toxic you may have been. And you might still consider yourself toxic, but if you do, evidently it's bearable and I can deal with it. I like how you are as a person. Oh and FYI- might not understand your situations and how you think and all that- but I care. I care about you. Because I care about everyone who respects me. And I respect everyone who respects me and my existence. I appreciate the random discord messages you send me sometimes. It's nice of you. Anywho, I hope you have a good week and a good rest of the year- I think your art is pretty interesting and great. Keep being you and not dying lmfao. I don't want you to die- I'm sure a lot of people don't want you to die, contrary to what you believe.

    i've never been toxic and i havent really grown all that much, you just over time got to actually know me and now you get to see the real me :)
    most of the toxicity and negative way people see me is in everybody's head ;)
    gamer boy cummies? that is soooo 2018. we selling gamer boy poopies today get all the Coprophagiac gamer girls nice and wet (and sticky )
    Sacred Mamba
    im thinking of becoming an official eboy and selling my gamer boy cummies in cute little tubs to thirsty teenie boppers who are probably fat and ugly with no self esteem so they turn to randos online that they dont know for support because they cant get a real boyfriend.
    i like venting on this website because i can expect none of you to give a shit about it or take me seriously at all. like, i can say whatever the fuck i want here and not be afraid of getting more hurt because i expect that none of you care. when i try talking to whatever semblance of friends or family i have left about it, i expect them to care but they never actually a give a shit and usually just find me annoying or wind up clowning on me.

    tl;dr - nobody gives a single shit about me & im super alone and heartbroken with nobody to talk to because nobody cares or understands.
    nice guy enthusiast
    idk man seems like a you problem
    I like venting on here too, just screaming into the random void. It's nice to have random pieces of advice sometimes from people but that's all i can rlly expect :L
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