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  • is it bad that when im in a group of crowded people this is all i see?
    piggyx / sophia
    oof ooof oof oof ooof
    that bad, huh? big off. oof but bass-boosted with echo.
    sent you thiss
    fuuuck, im grinning so much rn
    (dont get me enjin patrol)
    it aint it fellas
    when ur underage gf sends you nudes
    you sound jealous, hannah.
    i'm saying child porn distribution isn't cute ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
    Guns are the tool responsible for 30,000 annual deaths in the USA. Remove suicide (for obvious reasons - including how easy it is to kill ones self with almost any instrument) and they account for about 11,000. And thats with our very illegally-armed minority population. Those numbers are inflated by the crime in the inner-cities by criminals. Annually, however gun crime continues to go downward on it's own.

    Now then despite this, Guns are calculated to save 500,000 lives annually in the USA - thats right 45.46x more than they take. And the worst part is nobody who touts gun control can name a solid law that would help.

    Studies that directly assessed the effect of actual defensive uses of guns (i.e., incidents in which a gun was 'used' by the crime victim in the sense of attacking or threatening an offender) have found consistently lower injury rates among gun-using crime victims compared with victims who used other self-protective strategies. ... Almost all national survey estimates indicate that defensive gun uses by victims are at least as common as offensive uses by criminals, with estimates of annual uses ranging from about 500,000 to more than 3 million per year, in the context of about 300,000 violent crimes involving firearms in 2008"

    Then this goober says "de australlian buyback made no more cats attack - WRONG Gun crime continued on it's downard spiral it was following before. In the UK gun crime spiked upward for a bit and now they have truck, nailbombings, stabbings, and acid attacks to compensate.

    Please tell me more about how "common sense" gun control laws are.

    --"MUH BUMP STOCKS!" shouts the peanut gallery. You realize a bump-stock is just an easy to create spring mechanism, riiiiiigh?

    --"At least ban semi autos" Shouts the peanut gallery - Semi-autos are most pistols. It means pull trigger once, and it fires.

    --"but muh AR-15" Is a small-game semi-auto hunting rifle with a smaller round than other hunting rifles. it looks scary, sure, but it's no worse than that shotgun hanging on your grand-pappy's wall. Also the "AR" is short for ARMA-LITE.

    This analogy is trash
    so if we ban guns the people who would normally be killing and robbing each other in their free time are gonna just start handing out free pie. Definitely more likely than theyll just get illegal guns like they were anyway and shoot the innocent people who now cant protect themselves. CLEARLY theyll just give away pie instead.
    1: Gun laws won't stop criminals from getting a gun
    2: a "No firearms" sign isn't going to stop them from getting said illegal gun inside
    3: if no one inside has a gun to stop said person with the illegal gun, more lives will be lost.
    Maybe this is wrong but I'd rather have 1 person dead than several kids
    yeah we already have background checks here in america. funny thing is, there aren't too many people selling guns who actually do 'em. y'know why? because they're fucking stupid and unconstitutional. when you start regulating something it never stops. first it's background checks, then it's limitations on the caliber. next thing you know the only kind of gun you can carry is a musket loader. when does the madness end, hannah?
    obviously not good enough checks. ur fucking stupid lool
    you can illegally buy guns anywhere in the world. background checks doesn't stop it. stop getting involved in american politics you absolute fucking dolt. you surrendered your right to free speech, to self-protection, to everything hundreds of years ago you faggot. so keep your political opinions involving MY COUNTRIE'S laws to yourself, and don't ever fucking come over here. stay the fuck away we dont need your brainless blabbing infecting the minds of our children.
    People who buy a gun and use it to harm others illegally don’t really care about your ban on guns. Making something illegal or restricted does not mean people who want to do illegal things with a gun that is illegal won’t get a smuggled or illegally fitted gun; because they’re a criminal, and criminals don’t give a damn about your petty laws.
    everybody fucking forgets that in these other countries like australia where "gun laws" work, there where no wars fought to protect gun rights. americans have fought and bled to keep our guns and if we just start putting "regulations" on them then where does it fucking end? also, using cats is an improper comparison because guns can't walk and shoot themselves, they dont have a mind of their own, cats do. like, ffs, how can people be this physically mentally challenged? and no, revious, fake trump, im not going to get in another argument so keep your grubby fingers off of that keyboard/touchpad right now unless you wanna get your wall spammed with pics of my bare ass cheeks.
    remember shirtless in the bathroom pic taken with a cam corder guy? this is him now. feel old yet?
    nice chair
    thanks, thanks. haha.
    dont be proud of having nice friends, nice friends wont tell you what you need to hear simply because they are afraid of hurting your feelings. even worse are the friends who get mad at you for telling them what they need to hear because it hurt their feelings. anyways just a thought i had, back to sulking in my bed i go. ugh.
    i took Damien and Babylon to get vaccinated
    damien was taken out on a leash and he was so good. everyone was so impressed. he's such a well-mannered cat. 7 and a half months old and already bigger than a regular house cat, being taken out on a leash like a dog and not flipping shit, relaxed around dogs and he actually let someone touch him today which really impressed me! i adore these cats so damn much!
    i stg this girl is gonna be my live-in girlfriend some day :ok_hand:
    (also hey you keep complimenting me online so lemme do the same for you so dont get mad k thnx bye)
    (also for all you losers who live on this website and assume i do as well no this is not a "online relationship" or whatever the fuck and while this thing is still new it is still very real now fuck off or i'll spam your wall with pics of my bare ass)
    : )
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