some edaters really make me sick, most of the time they can't even own up to "yeah, what i'm doing is wrong" normally, i wouldn't be too disgusted by it if it weren't for the fact that some people dedicate their entire walls to posting about how much they love each-other saying the same repetitive bullshit like "oh i love you baby (insert heart or kissing emoji here)" granted, i am somewhat guilty of this but 1.) the person i'm dating is a mere fucking 2 hour drive from me(previously believed to be a 1 hour drive, but corrected once seen) and i don't dedicate my entire existence to saying how much i love her, because emotions come and go, one month i could be loving someone and the next i could be kinda annoyed and sick by them, this is how emotions work, this is also why it is important to not instantly jump to "oh i love you bb" a week, a month, or even 5 months after you started dating. give it a year, maybe 2 before throwing that L word around, alright? anyways this is a rant and i've already forgotten the point of this post so if i offended someone i do sincerely apologize, i was going somewhere with this post but now i'm lost, maybe posting some shit about MMORPG'S later, we'll see.