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  • How do you make a baby cry?
    DROP IT.
    how do you make a baby stop crying?
    welcome to the 21st century, the world is dark and empty and the people who need help don't get the help they need and the people who don't need help complain that they don't get the help they want.
    That moment the same person friends you two times...
    Nope, just friended you a while ago with my alt :P
    Aka Vladimir Putin ;P
    don't remember it
    question: why do people hate fedora's? it's just a hat
    answer: Improperly wearing one shows a lack of self-awareness. It has a (formerly) classy reputation because it's meant to be worn with a suit. For one reason or another, it fell out of vogue with the suit-wearing crowd, and was picked up by hipsters looking to add something to their ensemble. You see, even then, we're talking about hipsters who've spent time and money coming up with a look that (in theory) is supposed to echo and play with that older style. It may not match, per se, but it's part of a concerted effort to look good.

    Now we turn to the modern neck beard: he wears the fedora in order to get some of that, "class," we talked about. Thing is, it was never that the fedora made anybody look classy, it was that well-dressed people just happened to wear them at one time or another. If you wear cargo shorts and a Naruto graphic button-up, a fedora isn't going to save that outfit. It just makes the wearer look like a dope. The only guys that do this are the ones who genuinely do not understand how to dress themselves, and that, as I said, shows a lack of self-awareness.

    so therefor, wear them right, like so.
    if it's actually a trillby I'll make fun of you for calling it a fedora
    when you google trilby it comes up with fedora. a trillby is a TYPE of fedora.
    people often tell me that i'm an asshole, they call me mean and ask why. "why, WHY, why Jeffrey WHY" and i'll tell you why right now. because i got assholes being mean to me on a daily basis, i have their friends defending them on a daily basis, i am constantly being belittled and bashed for being as asshole, and the real assholes sit here with a massive army of friends defending them at any turn. maybe i wouldn't be so "mean" if i didn't always have people breaking my trust, my heart, my spirit, and my face. so, i respond by breaking hearts, and spirits, taking faces and names. is this not reasonable? it's a simple case of an eye for an eye. you want me to be nice to you? you want me to treat you with respect? then do it yourself! don't be a god damn hypocritical bitch your whole life, and then maybe. just MAYBE. i will treat you the way i want to be treated. i only treat you the way you treat me, so you want me to be nice? you want to be treated as a god? then treat me as a fucking god! my friendship is something valuable, and like a trophy, it is earned. prove to me you are worthy of being treated with respect you fucking dumbass. this all sounds very egotistical don't it? WRONG. anyone who says that has missed the point of this rant, the point isn't that i want to be treated like a god, or even with respect, all i am saying is i will treat you the exact way you treat me, and if you can't swallow your own damn pride and do that little bit then there is no hope for you.
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