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  • I haven't got much time for RP anymore (Because of school... ya know) and therefor Gundabad is on the unclaimed list again and Vulug disappeared. I will try to at least check the threads once in a week, but i won't RP ((Unless someone's got an idea about a character that does not force the RPer to be active)). Bye!
    I'm leaving EW siege. I was pretty inactive anyways and now that i get accused for hacking again, I'll just go ahead and never ever get on siege again.
    I will continue building on the EW build server though.
    I am sure you have already heard of Theia, the wizard of Protection that has been summoned by my RP character. Why did i do that? I was fed up with the messy Gundabad siege and decided to stop it, since i had the chance to do it quickly. Now i control Titan until he breaks free. What will I use him for?
    So I am not a fan of being an OP kingdom ruler, so i decided to use Theia more like a messenger or advisor, not a weapon. But if a siege or battle will end up in a mess like the Gundabad one, I will just go ahead and stop that crap as long as i can do so. Also Gundabad will not stay invincible forever, I'm sure Titan will go independent soon and this will be the part where he whether stays neutral or switches the owner.
    I think i have now said enough...
    I can attack people, i just won't use Titan as my 'main' weapon.
    Okay, Now that Rhûn is already ruled by EnderNicky, you'll have to vote for 1 of the other 3 characters: Isera, Teleran or Deron.
    Name: Isera Alor
    Gender: Female
    Race: Half-Elf / Human
    Age: 16
    Starting Position: Mercenary/Adventurer
    Side: rather evil
    Backstory: Isera was born in Gondor. She was the daughter of a rich merchant. When she was a little child she started hearing voices in her head. After some time compassion, fear and love had seemed to have disappeared. One day she caught a bunny and tortured it, until there was nothing left of it except a puddle of blood. Soon her brother 'disappeared'... On her 16th Birthday she murdered everyone in her family's mansion, including her own family. Being chased by guards and rangers, she fled to Far Harad...
    Name: Teleran Kresto
    Gender: Male
    Race: Human
    Age: 58
    Starting Position: Admiral / General of Gondor
    Side: Good
    Backstory: Teleran doesn't like to talk much about his past, so not much is known about his childhood. He first joined the Gondorian Marine when he was 18. A couple years later he achieved the Admiral rank and was named Lord of Pelargir. So his 'boring' life continued for a long time....
    Name: Deron
    Gender: Male
    Race: Dwarf
    Age: 121
    Starting Position: General of the Iron Hills
    Side: 'Good'
    Backstory: Deron was born in the Iron Hills, where he grew up. There are 2 things in Middle-Earth he hates: Orcs and Elves. He'd love to bash in the skulls of all of them. Every single one.... His brutality and aggression made him soon get a high rank in the Military.
    Name: Azûl Ibn-Khàner
    Gender: Male
    Race: Human
    Age: 27
    Starting Position: Ruler of Rhûn
    Side: Errrrm....
    Backstory: The way he got to the throne of Rhûn is gory. So many had to die before he reached the rank he wanted. Now, Rhûn shall rise once more....
    Which character should i take? The vote will end in 24 hours!
    And so Eldarion, Aasim and now Ayna Allese all lie in their tombs in Lorien among their ancestors. The age of the elves is over.....

    I welcome my Greenleaf into Valinor and hope for a bright future of rp without power gaming involved.
    Shame on you, auntie.
    Yes, I just have killed my own character. Why? I'm really fed up with many things in this RP. And now I leave it. Temporary. Maybe someday when it'll become a real RP, where nothing is scripted, where you have no magic to control someone, where you have no DM vetoing everything he doesn't like, etc. I will return. We'll see. For now, it was fun with you guys, bye.
    So now they don't allow Rivendell to expand. Why not? Rivendell has 11k Soldiers, it is one of the most powerful elven kingdoms and kingdoms in the west after all. Why should it not expand...? But here i will give you my true reasons why i make Syle Asari grow: Imladris has no way to build ships, since it's surrounded by waterfalls, and ships are very important for trading. So i have to get a new city. That's what i did. But then, since the new city, Melathyr, is in a valley it doesn't see very well if an enemy army is coming. It's weak and not very safe. Therefor I have created a fortress/watchtower, Nas Aethel.Then, if the river Bruinen will be blocked by an enemy in the south, all trade stops, since ships can't pass anymore. That's why i build watchtowers along the river, with a fortress in the Bruinen Delta. I also wanted to get Ost-In-Edhil, for trade with dwarves, but it is already taken by Ara. Now let's have a look at all alliances i have. First of all, the orcs. As you maybe have noticed, 11k soldiers are not enough to hold 5 cities. (Fornost is being rebuilt also). So i ask the orcs, who's lives are not worth anything, to keep the northern borders safe. Then there is the alliance with the Shire. While most elves focus on trading, the hobbits make sure we don't starve. Then we have Gondor. Gondor's got great archives and some good engineers and scientists. I need that for my future projects. Then i ask for alliances with dwarves. That's basically only for the money... Well, i think i explained pretty much everything here. If you have any more questions, feel free to ask in the comments.
    and they have a wizard. 2spooky
    I have heard now too often that Ayna is not a 'canon' elf. Here I'll prove that she is. First of all, let's have a look at the age of those ignorant and insensitive elves from the movies. They are all older than 6k years. During this period of time they have seen much death and they have felt much pain, which made them so calm and ignorant as they are. Ayna is only 600 years old, most of the time she stood in Rivendell, a safe place, where you usually don't see people die. And certainly you don't see your family die. So now that her uncle is dead, her aunt wants to suicide by going to Mordor, her cousin is dead, she got her heart taken, her aunt got her heart taken, Rivendell has been destroyed (twice), and all that happened in a very short period of time, which is a bit too much for her, I think she can feel depressed. Do you still think she is an 'uncannon' elf?
    Captain Aasim
    Captain Aasim
    *raises hand for peeps who don't have hearts*
    Rest in peace, Aasim, son of Ramiren, King of Mirkwood.
    ((I will miss you Ada. If Nowin gives me your dead body you'll get a proper tomb in Rivendell later.))
    People die all the time. :P
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