I've got a little Dilemma about RP...
I've got great plans for the east side. It will burn and this will make me a legend. At the end no one will be able to win against me in the east. The mark of Gundabad will be everywhere and will be remembered. And no one will be able to change it, even after my character dies.
However it takes time. Not that i don't have time, but RP just isn't fun anymore for me. I have been forcing myself to rule Gundabad for months. Why is it not fun? All i do is grind troops, to stand a chance against Rhovanion and Mirkwood without needing someone else to help me, and support the other orc kingdoms in their wars.
Now I don't know what to do:
1. Leave LOTR RP, I'm not really important anyways.
2. Stay, realize my plans, make my character become a really annoying person just like Joffrey Baratheon (as planned) and get him killed by someone. Then leave.