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  • Hello friends, long time no see!

    Well, I'll keep it brief. I poked my head in to see what was up and a friend peaked my interest with some chatter about an RP server he was considering trying to start this summer. Being a sucker, we got to chatting about that and now I'm rather excited.

    Now, it is literally just an entertaining idea at the moment so don't get excited! But, if it starts to pick up any steam, I just wanted to try and get a feel for who on here is still active/interested. Also, maybe ask for some help. Because these things are hard and help is always good. Probably map stuff.

    Finally, feel free to drop suggestions down in the comments about what you'd like to see, problems with RP servers you've found in the past, or just to say hello since I haven't talked to y'all in far to long.

    P.S. Anyone got any RP stuff for me to do right now? I'm a tad bored.
    Some questions: 1) How many players on the server? 2) Is it intense RP or more like Blackflames/EW? 3) I was reading about the magic system a little bit, does it work well?
    1) We have around twenty or so active players. At any given moment, there will be around ten people on, although this of course fluctuates. At times the server will be empty, and other times, we'll have our twenty or so people all on. 2) It is very intense RP: all emoting and no actual PvP. 3) It's funny you should ask that, because I'm actually the magic head of the lore team. The magic system is a work in progress and players do not currently have access to it. When it is ready, we will begin a series of events that will educate players in character about what it is and how it works, and then they will be able to use it. I honestly can't tell you how well it works because I have yet to see it in action. I'm confident it will be enjoyable, though.
    Ayyy came back same time
    Where you at these days my friend?
    Not much either. I need somewhere to couch surf- I mean a server to play on.
    [user]2307450[/user] was cooking up some RP ideas on a PM with me and I’m sure he’d love your input on some stuff if you’d want to kick some ideas around.
    Musing about what to do now that Blackflames is closing, don't particularly want to do RPG Guilds.....anyone know of anyone willing to host a server? I'd like to write lore/run events/participate in RP.

    Several events over the weekend! MOB SIEGES ARE COMING!

    To kickstart this weekend of events, Remington will be besieged by a massive horde mobs at 19:30 on Friday (Tomorrow). Everyone is welcome to help the defense of Remington!
    On Saturday you will tackle on Molten Forgemaster at 19:30 GMT.
    And on Sunday there will be a mob siege of Elsinore at 19:30 GMT.
    There also may be smaller events throughout the weekend, however these are the main ones. Make sure to attend, as we want a very big crowd for these events as these could potentially be the last.
    There will also be lots of loot, don't worry.
    I wonder who on my friends list is still active. Anyway, Hents is putting up a EW RP type server, and I am again leading Blackfyre to glorious.......JUST KIDDING.

    I am actually *gasp* playing a different character. Basically a monastic/knight type order devoted to slaughtering the demon hordes. I need like 3 people, and have gotten zero takers so far! So, if you want to RP come summertime (early June) feel free to join whatever faction you want, or me if you choose.

    Blackfyre does exist on the server if that tickles anyones fancy.
    Cool! And I'm not doing bf either surprisingly
    hey who's this fella?
    noodles ;) i'll be back home by mid june
    I need tech support. All my minecraft text disappeared. Server chat, options menus, main menu. All of it. Its just empty boxes. How do I fix this since I can't play till I do?
    Also on a Mac if that changes things. Whats Alt-F4 do?
    Not sure if it's different on mac but on windows it closes your current window :stuck_out_tongue:
    Just reinstall minecraft or something. Make sure you keep your worlds and stuff in a safe place though.
    "Everybody13 The Dragon Rises?" More like "Everybody13 The Dragon Dies!"

    but seriously.. when are you going to come back. Just roast ya twice about that... -.-
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