This will address several things, but first, my absence, and my return. Long story short, hello, I am back. I've missed it. Now, on to the more important things!
I have to share something that I've been shown with you all. At the moment I am on a server hosted by ThuBioNerd called Age of Kings. The building is superb and from what I have seen the map is as well.
Right now I am sitting on top of a mountain with a waterfall plummeting into a river below me and realizing that I will be useless to this building effort, for I shall mar more than I make. But that does not apply to most of you, and to those few like me who cannot build, you can roleplay and participate as well.
So I am asking that as I return to MC and RP, that some (but hopefully all) of you join me on and come build and RP with us once more.
Lastly, yes, there is a Blackfyre on this server from what I have been told. And I can sense that some of you want some good old fashioned fire and blood. I shall do my utmost to provide.
Ave Blackfyre!