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  • Okay, yet another depressing post from bucky.

    I'm back for real now. I had to take a long time off Enjin.

    My aunt died of cancer this Monday. She and I were really, really close, and it hit me heard. These last two months I've been going between the occasional panic attack trying to figure out when I could go up and visit, depression because of the situation, and just being busy.

    We've had the funeral. It's over, and I'm ready to move on.

    I don't know how many people actually still use Enjin, but if anyone still does ....

    I'm home.
    So...I'm alive. In a sense.

    I know a lot of you won't care, 'cause I've been gone so long, but I'm back for the moment.

    I've had some stuff go on in my life recently, stuff that's really put a wrench in how my life has gone. It's still going on, really. But I'm back, and in more-or-less the same shape.

    Just curious to know, how many of you guys still play MC? What servers do you play? Is the new EW still running?

    And how are you guys?
    Massively long post about superheroes incoming, so move on if you don't enjoy that.

    I've been working on my writing a lot lately, and for one of my stories I came up with a classification system for superpowers. following a lettering scale. I shall now explain it in full detail.

    The big three refers to Strength, Speed and Intelligence, the basic outlines of superheros. Skills refer to any individual power, such as Fire or shape shifting or something.

    F class: Only used for specific powers, such as types of energy attacks, defenses or offensive powers, or the absense thereof. All humans are F class in flight, elemental/energy/time/space/dark/light manipulation, control and projection, to give an example.

    D class: When referring to the Big three, baseline human. Nothing special here. When referring to skills, it's the low end. Like, you can shoot flame out of your fist, but it's no hotter than a normal flamethrower. When referring to a defensive skill, this means you'd be able to stop normal physical blows, small caliber bullets or weak powers.

    E class: When referring to the Big Three, this is peak human ability. Olympic Runners Have E class speed, Olympic weight lifters Class E strength and the best Doctors and Scientists class E Intelligence. For skills, it means that the powers are below average but still useful. So, obviously quicksilver can regenerate himself quickly (As seen in MCU), but it wasn't enough to keep up with sustained blows or real damage. So it would be class E regeneration.

    Class C: When referring to the Big Three, this is low level superhuman stuff. Running faster than 20 MPH, but below 100. Bench pressing a truck, but not a Semi with its trailer. With intelligence, you'd have to show above human levels of skill processing data, as well as being able to master more than one or two subjects or skills. Batman, Tony stark and Bruce banner would all have C class Intelligence. When referring to skills, it's basically average power. Nothing too special, but not weak either. Spiderman would have class C strength, for instance.

    Class B: This is universal for the Big three and Skills.

    This basically is the uper scale of everything. You're powerful, but you're still not quite the best. Wonder woman would have class B strength and Speed, Hulk would have class B strength, Quicksilver class B speed, Goku Class B speed, ect ect.

    Class A: Again, Universal for the Big three and Skills.

    This is basically for those heroes who have an Unholy (Or Holy depending on how you look at it) Level of power.

    Superman would have class A in Strength, Speed and Intelligence. Green lantern would have class A Energy projection, Manipulation, and projection. Flash would have Class A speed, Thanos class A reality control. Goku would have Class A energy projection, ect ect ect. This is top of the line, and the only power dispute here is among other class A's.

    And to clarify a few things....

    Projection is basically generating it in a offensive way. Shooting lasers, or bolts of ice or fire, stuff like that. Control is being able to also Shape that in more complex ways than just a sphere, or a disc, or a beam, like making a blade of fire. Manipulation would mean you would be able to control or absorb already present things. Anyone from the Avatar series would be a Manipulator and a Controller, but only Fire benders would be real Projectors.

    Also, the reason I didn't cover flight very well is because that's a complicated measurement on it's own. To classify it, you would have to factor in flight speed, level of control, weather you could sustain it and if it was dependent on wings or a devise.
    ThuBioNerd you're a geek, if you have time look over this, I'd appreciate you critiquing it.

    And if anyone wants to test it out, give me a hero and I'll see if I can classify them using this system.
    Heheh. Nice job with Captain Planet, he wasn't a particularly easy one xP
    Did you account for no hero being able to survive as a full time hero in any capacity for longer than a year?
    That's more of a personality thing than a power scale thing. And I think working as a full-time hero would be possible for longer if someone was already friendless or an outcast.
    Okay, so I've come into possession of two guest passes to World of Warcraft.

    It's supposed to let you play free for a while, however I'm not sure if they still work. Anybody know if they're still viable?
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