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  • Want some cream bruh? It's my special one.
    *Alarm sounds* *robotic voice* Alert Alert! Intruder detected on Ice's wall send all duck soldiers to post #3.
    Dunno if you'll be able to see this at all, but you're allowed back on EW. Look at Tims wall. Come back!
    I have an apology to make.

    I feel that over the past few months, I have cause huge unrest in the comunity. I wanted to type this as an apology for what I have done. Each and everyone of you mean so much to me, and I cant carry on fighting for something I am completely against. I am going to give you some information that most of you don't know. Tim is not the guilty one, nor is Morgan, its me. I have caused so much unrest in the comunity, I cannot bare it any longer. I have tried to appologies, but it seems I can't fix damage which I and others caused. When I look back on what happend I feel as if I have let you all down, and most of all I have let myself down. I have been talking with Only_God and I feel the best decision for me to do now, is leave. I am completely leaving the comunity, and never looking back. I want to be forgotten and if I am ever thought apon, it will only be because of the pain I caused. I wish to be known for being a fun enjoyable member of the comunity, not somebody who gave into peer pressure and starting a revolution that was nothing to do with me. I only request to be remembered in a nice way, just think of the times of joy and fun. I hurts me to be typing this, I have tried to fix this. But aslong as I stay, the peer pressure will stay and I will be fighting for something that I never caused or should be part off. And if any staff or friends of staff are reading this. I am sorry. Please, forgive me as a friend, a friend who has only ever fought for what he assumed was right. I now know I have not been and I have broke my oldest rules. I betrayed everyone not just my friends. But two of my best friends, Tim and Morgan. I hope they can forgive me aswell but I will always feel bad for what I have done. I will miss those times of joy but most of all I will miss you guys. Farewell everyone, it has been fun.
    I guess this really is goodbye. It's been fun playing with you, and I'm glad to have met you!
    Well it seems when I want to play on EW I will have to use an alt, its been fun.
    lul, wish you wernt ban...
    Dear slime, I am sorry for the way I have treated you in the past, I hope in time we can move on and be friends once more. I really feel bad for what I said. I hope you can forgive me.
    Hey guys, you may have seen I am very inactive recently thats a few reasons. I am on my final exams and I HAVE LOADS OF THEM!!!! I also am enjoying a break from mc and probs wont be back for a while I am mostlikely closing tbl for a bit it will reopen in may! I also am in a very spanish mood this past week, most likely as I have done around 50 hours of spanish revision xD I found myself listening to spanish pop music, is that wierd?
    Thats Mexico! ._.
    Hey, what's up with TBL? It has been down for a while, everything ok?
    Ok thanks :)
    If I get 1 more notification about RP I will litterally rage, like 50 notifications JUST ON RP!?!?!? NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Guys, its been fun. I feel my time on MC is over, for good. I have gone through so much in the 5 and a bit years, made friends, built huge projects, ran servers, donated on servers. But times have changed, none of this is to do with my ban. To tell the truth I have been feeling like this for almost a year now. I held back because... well because of you guys, the fun we all had. Thats over now, and I can understand why this might pleasure some people. The reason I made TBL was not because of EW, it was because I wanted to ensure contact with my friends. Unfortunatly they don't want to do the same with me.

    My history of mc.
    I started playing minecraft during In-dev. (One of the oldest updates for the public) I liked building, I remember building "big-ben" in mc, and this started my love for building.
    I joined my first server in Alpha and it was a SMP server. I then heard off the YogsCast. I watched their survival and heard they were making a series called "Shadow Of Israphel" I briefly got to help on the construction of Mistral City and BBQ bay with the Build Team they had. I then left mc for a while and came back during beta 1.3 And decided to play on more servers. This is where my love for pvp came from.

    Then in novem/december 2012 I met Empire War. At this time it was a very small LOTR server, I remember Leo and Teamjoshben7 I met many players,
    wooooooooow look what i just found in siege
    Im the Only 1 that Wasnt active during the pig guild... I left 4 like half a year... When i came back, pig guild was gone. But katt was general!
    I am closing Towny and hub They are not needed atm and will be returned later on. Also please can "spies" stop trying to "infiltrate" our open server xD. Its obvious you have come from EW build but don't try to hide it, idc, we're open lol. If you wanna see our builds and compare with your's that is fine! No need to "hide" it.
    I trust you only :P (OR DO I)
    Rent for Build, Factions, and Bungee is coming up!!!! We are $10 off!!! Come on we can make it!

    For a short period of time, if you donate by sunday I will give you a $10 discount voucher for any future purchases you may make from our store.
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