Matt: Tim
Matt: I am leaving Empire War
Matt: Untill this thing is resolved
Matt: I have banned myself on build
Tim Hereijgers / Empire War: Ice, I find this very disappointing
Tim Hereijgers / Empire War: I'd think you'd trust me after those 2+ years I ran this server
Tim Hereijgers / Empire War: trust me for not banning people without reason
Tim Hereijgers / Empire War: Even though I can't tell you the exact reasons, I'd think you'd trust me for not banning people without reason after such a long time..
Tim Hereijgers / Empire War: or at least trust me more than them
Matt: Hello tim....
Matt: I suspect you are aware with what has happend.
Tim Hereijgers / Empire War: Tim Hereijgers / Empire War: Ice, I find this very disappointing
Tim Hereijgers / Empire War: I'd think you'd trust me after those 2+ years I ran this server
Tim Hereijgers / Empire War: trust me for not banning people without reason
Tim Hereijgers / Empire War: Even though I can't tell you the exact reasons, I'd think you'd trust me for not banning people without reason after such a long time..
Tim Hereijgers / Empire War: or at least trust me more than them
Tim Hereijgers / Empire War: Yeah, that's why I wrote that
Matt: Well
Tim Hereijgers / Empire War: They're doing to the community exactly what they did to me
Matt: I personally am against the ban
Tim Hereijgers / Empire War: They seem likeable and nice
Tim Hereijgers / Empire War: but as soon as you get to be good friends with you they abuse you and stab you in the back
Tim Hereijgers / Empire War: which is why I stopped making contact with them
Tim Hereijgers / Empire War: but they kept stalking me
Tim Hereijgers / Empire War: following me around
Tim Hereijgers / Empire War: I've gotten like 15 facebook requests of antzorg in 2 weeks
Matt: You are aware that Titan and Only is against this...
Tim Hereijgers / Empire War: and I blocked them everywhere except the server, cause I didn't want to ban them knowing this'd happen
Tim Hereijgers / Empire War: We had a heavy staff discussion yesterday
Matt: Same with lock who is staying out
Tim Hereijgers / Empire War: and they're all behind it now
Matt: Then makz is with us aswell.
Tim Hereijgers / Empire War: Lock didn't even know of it, that's why he said he'd stay out of it
Tim Hereijgers / Empire War: Only and Titan didn't want Ant & Joe to be unbanned, but they didn't want a pissed community
Matt: People are looking at me as a mocking jay....
Tim Hereijgers / Empire War: I refuse to unban people because the community wants them to be unbanned, because I know they are wrong
Matt: Well it clearly shows your staff dissagree.
Tim Hereijgers / Empire War: but not for the right reasons
Tim Hereijgers / Empire War: we all agree what they've done is wrong
Tim Hereijgers / Empire War: the only reason they wouldn't want them banned is cause they wouldn't want a pissed community
Tim Hereijgers / Empire War: which isn't the right reason
Matt: Why did you call titan disloyal
Tim Hereijgers / Empire War: I didn't exactly call him that
Matt: We have the conversation
Tim Hereijgers / Empire War: we had a discussion and he was talking about unbanning them himself
Tim Hereijgers / Empire War: so I told him that if he'd defy my command and be disloyal like that, he could go as well
Matt: also cookie is not extly happy
Matt: Well that is most likely why titan is pretty pissed.
Matt: I got around 50 messages on skype / enjin saying he wants to join some so called "revolution"
Matt: Tim the comunity is breaking apart
Tim Hereijgers / Empire War: I don't care
Tim Hereijgers / Empire War: though that meme is offensive I agree with it
Tim Hereijgers / Empire War: if it is to end in flame war then we'll all burn together
Tim Hereijgers / Empire War: I'm not unbanning them, I have my reasons
Tim Hereijgers / Empire War: I told you one and the rest are too private
Matt: Okay then.
Tim Hereijgers / Empire War: And I don't understand how you trust them over me
Tim Hereijgers / Empire War: They're not the ones who ran this server for years
Matt: idk
Matt: I agree this is getting out of hand
Matt: I am not some mocking jay
Matt: I am a player
Matt: However the comunity sees otherwise.
Tim Hereijgers / Empire War: Why do you support them?
Tim Hereijgers / Empire War: If you rejoin our side the community will follow
Matt: There evidence is conclusive
Tim Hereijgers / Empire War: and the server won't fall apart
Tim Hereijgers / Empire War: What "evidence"?
Matt: Well you have not exactly shown evidence
Tim Hereijgers / Empire War: I'm not trustworthy enough after those years?
Tim Hereijgers / Empire War: What evidence have they posted?
Matt: Ant has not given solid evidence however it is believable
Tim Hereijgers / Empire War: I got a message from joe yesterday saying how he wants the revolution to stop
Tim Hereijgers / Empire War: He is believable and I'm not? That's total bs, I'm sorry.
Matt: Well I am not saying yours is not true
Matt: however
Matt: I am not on sides
Tim Hereijgers / Empire War: He's the one trying to break down the server
Matt: I want nutrality
Matt: I wanted PIECE
Tim Hereijgers / Empire War: and I'm trying to keep it alive
Matt: Peace*
Matt: Well we need some form of agreement.
Tim Hereijgers / Empire War: The only way to keep peace is to just say my reasons are valid to the group, join our side, and they'll follow
Matt: Otherwise if you ban us I feel it would destroy the comunity
Tim Hereijgers / Empire War: the community won't break apart and ant will be forgotten
Matt: More would leave
Matt: If you see we are now in a situation where we both need to come to an agreement
Matt: I also got a messagefrom weby....
Tim Hereijgers / Empire War: Don't even talk to me about Weby
Tim Hereijgers / Empire War: he prob laughs at this from afar
Tim Hereijgers / Empire War: finds this a good way to gain members
Matt: yeah
Matt: I agree
Matt: However
Tim Hereijgers / Empire War: Listen
Tim Hereijgers / Empire War: if you want EW to survive and have people continue to play here
Tim Hereijgers / Empire War: drop the flame war
Tim Hereijgers / Empire War: and go to our side
Tim Hereijgers / Empire War: If people won't do that, it's their choice
Tim Hereijgers / Empire War: but I'm pretty sure they don't want to see their favo server go
Tim Hereijgers / Empire War: You can keep trying whatever you want, I will NEVER unban them.
Matt: Is there any message you want me to pass onto them?
Tim Hereijgers / Empire War: no
Tim Hereijgers / Empire War: or just "You can keep trying whatever you want, I will NEVER unban them."
Matt: Okay then
Matt: Sent
Matt: Well
Matt: Just to inform you
I have recieved news Only_God has quit
Tim Hereijgers / Empire War: he's not quit
Tim Hereijgers / Empire War: that's bs
Tim Hereijgers / Empire War: they're making up lies
Matt: Nope
Matt: He told us
Matt: Now they just told me
Matt: 20 vets are willing to leave along with many more player
Matt: They are denying your request of no more flame I believe
Tim Hereijgers / Empire War: Well then leave
Matt: However they have a message
Tim Hereijgers / Empire War: Go now and rot
Tim Hereijgers / Empire War: fortunes of the world may come and go but in this kingdom we'll endure
Matt: They are going to continue, no matter what you say until their point is met. They have friends of friends they now say the comunity will go with them
Matt: Okay apparently titan may leave.
Matt: This is your staff tim your last active staff
Tim Hereijgers / Empire War: I DONT CARE
Tim Hereijgers / Empire War: I WONT UNBAN THEM
Tim Hereijgers / Empire War: This will only kick out those doubting my lead
Tim Hereijgers / Empire War: and leave the ones truly loyal
Tim Hereijgers / Empire War: AM I NOT THE KING?
Matt: Well
Matt: if that is your opinion of staff
Matt: "replaceable"
Tim Hereijgers / Empire War: Everyone is replaceable
Matt: Not firends.
Matt: Friends are not replaceable
Matt: You stick by them
Matt: You don't hurt them
Matt: You will always be there for them
Matt: Friends are family
Matt: Tim what you just said is basicly offensive to everyone.
Tim Hereijgers / Empire War: People you only know online are replaceable
Matt: Well still does not make them not your friends
Tim Hereijgers / Empire War: It does
Tim Hereijgers / Empire War: Ant and Joe proved that
Matt: So you don't like Only?
Tim Hereijgers / Empire War: I thought they were friends but what they did went way too far
Matt: Nore Titan
Matt: Or makz
Tim Hereijgers / Empire War: that you like someone doesn't make that person your friend
Tim Hereijgers / Empire War: Of the people I met online
Tim Hereijgers / Empire War: I think the only ones I can call real friends are farm, Conrad, Only and the rest of EpicQuestz
Matt: well then
Matt: Why do you class us as friends
Tim Hereijgers / Empire War: Do I?
Matt: Wow
Matt: Revelotion is going to take place and will bring down the comunity with us if nothing happens
Matt: You have until 12:00 to change your mind. Then the revolution begins.
Tim Hereijgers / Empire War: Good luck with that
Matt: We have some terms