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  • We need Game Of Thrones fans as we have many maps lined up for it.
    - Winterfell
    - Kings Landing
    - The Twins
    - River Run
    - Iron Islands
    and maybe a few maps from the "free lands" There will also be many more to come as well as LOTR and other builds
    HEre you got one. But btw, i think i dont have any motivation to do something because a i know a server that already built entire westeros with an entire map bigger than l.a., and you could really not be better than them. It's hilarious how much time they spend and how awesome their builds are.
    We have finally began Dale! We might host a small build day when we have the terrain and walls done!
    A new build team/server....
    Hey guys, today I am going to release some plans about a new build team/server I am making.
    This server will be hopefully hosted by mcprohosting or NitrousNetworks. and I shall have 20 slots and quite a bit of ram so that we can get our builds done quickly and effectively. We have quite a few builds planned like;
    - dale (complete)
    -dale (ruined)
    - Barrad dur
    -minas Morgul
    - multiple Harrad maps
    - 2 cruze ships
    - 3 white star line vessels (Titanic, Olympic, Brittannic)
    -Winterfell from Game Of Thrones
    -Kings Landing from Game Of Thrones
    -River Run from Game Of Thrones

    More maps will be added.
    If you want to join the team, I will make an enjin site where you can apply! However for now as I have not made it yet we request that you comment your IGN, skills (terrain, detail etc) and if your part of any other build team. I will not leave the EpicQuest/EmpireWar build team, I just want to publish some maps which are not planned on there. Everyone who joins and HELPS with a map will get credit. I shall make a new YouTube channel dedicated to your work and will make a Plannet Minecraft account for the team.

    We need coders to help us aswell! However I will only accept code which is tested. You must use Eclipse or Skript to code your plugins as I can read it.

    Apon joining the server, we will request you build a trial building/trial terrain for us to review. You will be sorted into a few catagories (builder, terrain, all around, details etc) Once you have joined you will recieve OP as I only allow people I TRUST into the team...

    I hope some of you found this interesting and hope to see you soon when I open the server! Yours scincerely;
    - ice.
    You should only ask lem to be on your team, he's probs one of the best terraformers/builders on EW
    I might buy a new dirt bike for me to race next year I have experience with dirt bikes as I have owned 2 and tested quite a few. I like the Honda CRF 250 quite allot however I am unsure if its going to be slow as I have race 300cc before.... What do you think? Bare in mind we never need to go full speed when racing as it is mostly woods...
    Well i have no knowlage on dirt bikes but it sounds good!
    I am taking a weeks break from EW I have been feeling so guilty about what happened and I feel like shit as I basically just ripped apart my second family. I have no idea how I can ever make this up to you guys. all I as is that you would let me back into the community . I honestly should have ended the revolution before it got as far as it did and I was blind. If you want me to leave for good, I can understand why and I shall but please I feel like crap from what I did...
    I have no idea what half of this is about but I will not get involved so your still my friend.
    The revolution is done. The plan was just to spread properganda (no idea how to spell it) and that was when I was band.
    Guys I will always Miss you :(
    Please know that I did this against Tim NOT you or the staff.
    Tim quite Honestly is a dick. He takes you for granted. He commented that he has no friends in the comunity. I have felt the full force of Tims anger. Do know I am still going to play on Empire War. I do have alts and can get an Alternate IP. I respect Tims descision on banning me, however I do not respect how he denys all that we say is true. You have seen the evidence. Tim has given you NONE. Yet you follow him, not your friends? Tim is a bad owner 4 members of staff agree and dislike him. Only_God, TitanKronos_ left today. Ljuboss might too along with makz... Thats all the active staff. Tim lost his constant donators and his reporters and comunity helpers. Tim fucked up today. Acording to Ljuboss 15 people have been banned and around 30 have left. Is this really what you want? How about I give some names of the banned players then maybe you shall reconsider...
    Heres a few of the players who left...
    These are only a few people however do know most the vetrans are gone. The comunity was killed in this ban... Are you happy with this? Honestly? Are Y O U happy with it. Ignore tim he can't ban due to a comment. Tim is a dictator and abuses power to the extreme I regret EVER donating on his server. You want to know what he done with half of the moeny? He got himself a new PC. Its not his money to spend. Empire War today lost its family. This might be my last ever Enjin post.

    Fare Well guys. You were my second family and always will be I will miss every last one of you.

    Yours truely,
    - icecream220;
    Banned Veteran Of Empire War.
    Wow, this isn't gonna go well for anyone
    Perm ban of siege!

    Lol I think tims mad
    Ant was banned for logging on with an Alt, and then swearing at tim? He probably hat reasons to swear at him, not saying it's a smart thing to do...
    I´ll miss yah! hopefully ill cya 1 day
    no,im not leaving, but maybe in the future
    One day! One day my lads! Tim will pay for his actions! And that day , the server will burn in dragon fire!
    Matt: Tim
    Matt: I am leaving Empire War
    Matt: Untill this thing is resolved
    Matt: I have banned myself on build
    Tim Hereijgers / Empire War: Ice, I find this very disappointing
    Tim Hereijgers / Empire War: I'd think you'd trust me after those 2+ years I ran this server
    Tim Hereijgers / Empire War: trust me for not banning people without reason
    Tim Hereijgers / Empire War: Even though I can't tell you the exact reasons, I'd think you'd trust me for not banning people without reason after such a long time..
    Tim Hereijgers / Empire War: or at least trust me more than them
    Matt: Hello tim....
    Matt: I suspect you are aware with what has happend.
    Tim Hereijgers / Empire War: Tim Hereijgers / Empire War: Ice, I find this very disappointing
    Tim Hereijgers / Empire War: I'd think you'd trust me after those 2+ years I ran this server
    Tim Hereijgers / Empire War: trust me for not banning people without reason
    Tim Hereijgers / Empire War: Even though I can't tell you the exact reasons, I'd think you'd trust me for not banning people without reason after such a long time..
    Tim Hereijgers / Empire War: or at least trust me more than them
    Tim Hereijgers / Empire War: Yeah, that's why I wrote that
    Matt: Well
    Tim Hereijgers / Empire War: They're doing to the community exactly what they did to me
    Matt: I personally am against the ban
    Tim Hereijgers / Empire War: They seem likeable and nice
    Tim Hereijgers / Empire War: but as soon as you get to be good friends with you they abuse you and stab you in the back
    Tim Hereijgers / Empire War: which is why I stopped making contact with them
    Tim Hereijgers / Empire War: but they kept stalking me
    Tim Hereijgers / Empire War: following me around
    Tim Hereijgers / Empire War: I've gotten like 15 facebook requests of antzorg in 2 weeks
    Matt: You are aware that Titan and Only is against this...
    Tim Hereijgers / Empire War: and I blocked them everywhere except the server, cause I didn't want to ban them knowing this'd happen
    Tim Hereijgers / Empire War: We had a heavy staff discussion yesterday
    Matt: Same with lock who is staying out
    Tim Hereijgers / Empire War: and they're all behind it now
    Matt: Then makz is with us aswell.
    Tim Hereijgers / Empire War: Lock didn't even know of it, that's why he said he'd stay out of it
    Tim Hereijgers / Empire War: Only and Titan didn't want Ant & Joe to be unbanned, but they didn't want a pissed community
    Matt: People are looking at me as a mocking jay....
    Tim Hereijgers / Empire War: I refuse to unban people because the community wants them to be unbanned, because I know they are wrong
    Matt: Well it clearly shows your staff dissagree.
    Tim Hereijgers / Empire War: but not for the right reasons
    Tim Hereijgers / Empire War: we all agree what they've done is wrong
    Tim Hereijgers / Empire War: the only reason they wouldn't want them banned is cause they wouldn't want a pissed community
    Tim Hereijgers / Empire War: which isn't the right reason
    Matt: Why did you call titan disloyal
    Tim Hereijgers / Empire War: I didn't exactly call him that
    Matt: We have the conversation
    Tim Hereijgers / Empire War: we had a discussion and he was talking about unbanning them himself
    Tim Hereijgers / Empire War: so I told him that if he'd defy my command and be disloyal like that, he could go as well
    Matt: also cookie is not extly happy
    Matt: Well that is most likely why titan is pretty pissed.
    Matt: I got around 50 messages on skype / enjin saying he wants to join some so called "revolution"
    Matt: Tim the comunity is breaking apart
    Tim Hereijgers / Empire War: I don't care
    Tim Hereijgers / Empire War: though that meme is offensive I agree with it
    Tim Hereijgers / Empire War: if it is to end in flame war then we'll all burn together
    Tim Hereijgers / Empire War: I'm not unbanning them, I have my reasons
    Tim Hereijgers / Empire War: I told you one and the rest are too private
    Matt: Okay then.
    Tim Hereijgers / Empire War: And I don't understand how you trust them over me
    Tim Hereijgers / Empire War: They're not the ones who ran this server for years
    Matt: idk
    Matt: I agree this is getting out of hand
    Matt: I am not some mocking jay
    Matt: I am a player
    Matt: However the comunity sees otherwise.
    Tim Hereijgers / Empire War: Why do you support them?
    Tim Hereijgers / Empire War: If you rejoin our side the community will follow
    Matt: There evidence is conclusive
    Tim Hereijgers / Empire War: and the server won't fall apart
    Tim Hereijgers / Empire War: What "evidence"?
    Matt: Well you have not exactly shown evidence
    Tim Hereijgers / Empire War: I'm not trustworthy enough after those years?
    Tim Hereijgers / Empire War: What evidence have they posted?
    Matt: Ant has not given solid evidence however it is believable
    Tim Hereijgers / Empire War: I got a message from joe yesterday saying how he wants the revolution to stop
    Tim Hereijgers / Empire War: He is believable and I'm not? That's total bs, I'm sorry.
    Matt: Well I am not saying yours is not true
    Matt: however
    Matt: I am not on sides
    Tim Hereijgers / Empire War: He's the one trying to break down the server
    Matt: I want nutrality
    Matt: I wanted PIECE
    Tim Hereijgers / Empire War: and I'm trying to keep it alive
    Matt: Peace*
    Matt: Well we need some form of agreement.
    Tim Hereijgers / Empire War: The only way to keep peace is to just say my reasons are valid to the group, join our side, and they'll follow
    Matt: Otherwise if you ban us I feel it would destroy the comunity
    Tim Hereijgers / Empire War: the community won't break apart and ant will be forgotten
    Matt: More would leave
    Matt: If you see we are now in a situation where we both need to come to an agreement
    Matt: I also got a messagefrom weby....
    Tim Hereijgers / Empire War: Don't even talk to me about Weby
    Tim Hereijgers / Empire War: he prob laughs at this from afar
    Tim Hereijgers / Empire War: finds this a good way to gain members
    Matt: yeah
    Matt: I agree
    Matt: However
    Tim Hereijgers / Empire War: Listen
    Tim Hereijgers / Empire War: if you want EW to survive and have people continue to play here
    Tim Hereijgers / Empire War: drop the flame war
    Tim Hereijgers / Empire War: and go to our side
    Tim Hereijgers / Empire War: If people won't do that, it's their choice
    Tim Hereijgers / Empire War: but I'm pretty sure they don't want to see their favo server go
    Tim Hereijgers / Empire War: You can keep trying whatever you want, I will NEVER unban them.
    Matt: Is there any message you want me to pass onto them?
    Tim Hereijgers / Empire War: no
    Tim Hereijgers / Empire War: or just "You can keep trying whatever you want, I will NEVER unban them."
    Matt: Okay then
    Matt: Sent
    Matt: Well
    Matt: Just to inform you
    I have recieved news Only_God has quit
    Tim Hereijgers / Empire War: he's not quit
    Tim Hereijgers / Empire War: that's bs
    Tim Hereijgers / Empire War: they're making up lies
    Matt: Nope
    Matt: He told us
    Matt: Now they just told me
    Matt: 20 vets are willing to leave along with many more player
    Matt: They are denying your request of no more flame I believe
    Tim Hereijgers / Empire War: Well then leave
    Matt: However they have a message
    Tim Hereijgers / Empire War: Go now and rot
    Tim Hereijgers / Empire War: fortunes of the world may come and go but in this kingdom we'll endure
    Matt: They are going to continue, no matter what you say until their point is met. They have friends of friends they now say the comunity will go with them
    Matt: Okay apparently titan may leave.
    Matt: This is your staff tim your last active staff
    Tim Hereijgers / Empire War: I DONT CARE
    Tim Hereijgers / Empire War: I WONT UNBAN THEM
    Tim Hereijgers / Empire War: This will only kick out those doubting my lead
    Tim Hereijgers / Empire War: and leave the ones truly loyal
    Tim Hereijgers / Empire War: AM I NOT THE KING?
    Matt: Well
    Matt: if that is your opinion of staff
    Matt: "replaceable"
    Tim Hereijgers / Empire War: Everyone is replaceable
    Matt: Not firends.
    Matt: Friends are not replaceable
    Matt: You stick by them
    Matt: You don't hurt them
    Matt: You will always be there for them
    Matt: Friends are family
    Matt: Tim what you just said is basicly offensive to everyone.
    Tim Hereijgers / Empire War: People you only know online are replaceable
    Matt: Well still does not make them not your friends
    Tim Hereijgers / Empire War: It does
    Tim Hereijgers / Empire War: Ant and Joe proved that
    Matt: So you don't like Only?
    Tim Hereijgers / Empire War: I thought they were friends but what they did went way too far
    Matt: Nore Titan
    Matt: Or makz
    Tim Hereijgers / Empire War: that you like someone doesn't make that person your friend
    Tim Hereijgers / Empire War: Of the people I met online
    Tim Hereijgers / Empire War: I think the only ones I can call real friends are farm, Conrad, Only and the rest of EpicQuestz
    Matt: well then
    Matt: Why do you class us as friends
    Tim Hereijgers / Empire War: Do I?
    Matt: Wow
    Matt: Revelotion is going to take place and will bring down the comunity with us if nothing happens
    Matt: You have until 12:00 to change your mind. Then the revolution begins.
    Tim Hereijgers / Empire War: Good luck with that
    Matt: We have some terms
    Nobody in particular agrees with the ban besides himself, and excluding people from a community, for personal, non-related reasons is 100% wrong.
    Okay I removed previous comments
    I feel it was harsh however I quit until this is resovled
    What do you mean until this is resolved...
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