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  • yo me puse como MicroSoft Como arruinan todo lo que es bueno sobre mc ...
    Primero EULA entonces YouTube Ahora copia huelgas correctas .. Quiero decir ¿qué diablos está pasando con la comunidad , ya que esto está fuera de servicio ...
    Time to talk about the Black Gate...
    Many of you know me and tim built and designed the map.
    Many of you know the map is a little... How should I say it... Bad...
    I promiss you this, if I ever get builder on Siege I would fix that map entirely and add new features and accessories including the gate its self. I doubt I will get builder but its just my way of saying sorry for what happend with the map. It was origanly not planned for siege and just to be used as a custom map for viewing only. Thats why the gate is great quality and the camps are not... Please remember eventualy this will be linked to the rest of mordor. I am sorry and please stop being negative and harsh to me and Tim about it. I told you I would try my best and I shall.
    black gate is not a bad map at all
    I need help....
    I want honest none bias truth to awnser this.
    Is using full caps in chat allowed?
    Many of you know I constantly tell you not to as it anoys me and other players. Also I thought it leads to a mute from the Mods (used to be chat mods) Tim once told me to continue as someone was questioning "I dont have the authority to tell people not to." I awnsered simply "I am doing my civil service to help EW and the comunity." Tim then replied that it is good that people like me stop spam on the server. Now today famrer told me that its allowed aslong as its not too much. But surely that goes against what I said earlier? Please tell me why.
    Sjœrd ☮
    Sjœrd ☮
    told ya ice BUT because you are my friend I wont ever ever use caps to u again <3. btw i cant promise anything PEACE
    Well school for me. Been a good summer! I cant wait for next year!
    I should be on as often aspossible say 1 or twice a week idk but never fear I will have da forums! I hope you all had a great summer!
    No in the UK we have 6 weeks off Max and my school is one of the first to open everyday at 10 past 8 so I got to leave at half seven in the morning we finish at 3 like most schools in the country.
    I am so happy right now! I got my school dates of exams etc and they are not till november next year I only start my mocs this year so more time for ew
    Shit.. And I promised to finish your library x.x Well a promise is a promise!
    OMFG 109 subscribers TY TY TY TY !!! I realy need to check my YT more XD
    hellos guys, I am typing this as a apology for the future but one we can't avoid.... I will be playing on EW allot less in time to come and when I mean allot less, I fear that it could be long term periods of me being offline. The reason for this is because I have exams coming up... Lots of exams and they may be in the future, it's the bear future and I must revise as it start these exams in November... After then I may not see most of you again until 2 years time (if EW is still around) and I will miss all of you. You are like my second family the community is the greatest I've ever seen and that's why I know that you will understand why I must leave...

    There is always the chance it might not be so bad and I can keep playing at least that's what I hope but I know that it is highly unlikely and that's why I am typing this. Please understand I shall continue sponsoring EW until my return. But when I do play understand that it could be the last time for a long while. Those old players who rember titan before he left will understand this.

    Thanks for reading this and I hope it was helpful I will miss you all very much when I do leave anyway thanks for giving me your time to read this - ice
    I just realised my spelling is crap on my post lol I guess thats why you desable auto correct on an I pod...
    I am flying back to the uk in 4 days! I cannot contain my joy to go on EW with you all. :3
    Going on holiday guys! I cant come on mc until the 26th! Please dont use this as an excuse to spam on EW.
    Lel I got an ipod so I'll just delete it :p
    I am here by volunteering to be a sponser to EmpireWar Network By donating xx every month to keep the server running due to the EULA enforcement. I am doing this for a none profit cause, the only thing im gaining from this is a pro-longed life of Empire War.
    But I am doing this out of one request and that is that Sjoerdtim will keep the server going and Himself and Staff will continue to put effort into the server.
    Thanks a lot Ice.I know everyone on the server will appreciate what you are doing.
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