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  • was discussing gun control in the united states on another wall and thought I would post one of my comments here:

    I am afraid of our own military, and having guns against them will not do anything but slow them down if our military turned against us. so I do not really care if citizens have guns or not, as it is not a big deal. Mc donalds kills more people with hamburgers than people do with guns in the united states, so after we get rid of mcdonalds I will start worrying about if people have guns or not.
    and btw just mentioning this here, if anyone is upset about the going on of this argument, please say so and I will delete the main post as this was just for a fun argument.
    hi, i heard you were at the very least part of the bottom 10 archers of ew, but probably bottom 3.
    but I perfer melee, and melee is better with lag due to knockback registering funny (knockback applied all at once to enemies for exaple). but with new EW host I am probably in the top 10 archers of EW.
    I decided I am going to write my opinion on gay people as I have been philosophizing about it lately
    as I am christian (I know its kinda late to join that party... XD).
    I believe being gay is in and of its self is not a sin. its just what you do with those feelings that comes with being gay. the way i see it is that people who are gay got an extra way for the devil to abuse them besides the many that already exist. I hate actions/sins not people so just because gay people do some things that i find sinful does not mean they are bad. I believe smoking and drinking alcohol is a sin, but that does not mean people who drink/smoke are bad. People should be treated as an equal regardless of any sin they do. I also believe that making any sort of sin that does not effect other people directly and unwillingly illegal is one of the worst sins. after all the difference between god's plan and the devils is we would never have the choice to sin. we would be forced to always choose the right.
    *DISCLAIMER* this thread was made for the sole purpose of arguing as it is a fun pass time of mine.
    YES!!!!!!!! i mean oh no. EW host has moved to US instead of europe. now i might get a decent ping instead of 200+. >
    Finally the days of my terrible ping are over
    k new theory.
    clinton bases her political principles on palpatine
    while trump bases his political principles on hitler.

    Trump in comparison to hitler:

    Trump blames muslims for America's problems
    Hitler blames jews for all of Germany's problems

    Trump says that our poor citizens are being heavily effected by these immigrants taking the jobs of our work force. and need to be exported
    Hitler says that jews are taking the jobs of Germany's workers

    Trump wants to deal with north korea/iran/any terrorist group with nukes. that will very very likely cause world war III
    Hitler wanted to deal with everybody with a giant army. that caused world war II

    Trump promises life will be better if he was in charge by making the economy all better.
    Hitler promised life would be better if he was in charge by making the economy all better.

    Clinton in comparison with palpatine:

    Clinton "national security is more important that human rights"
    Palpatine "there are times when we must make constitutional amendments in the name of security"

    Clinton Voted yes to go blow people up in other countries. and now claims she wish she would had voted otherwise
    Palpatine wanted to go blow people up in other planets. and then claims he wished he had said otherwise.

    Clinton claims she wants to make a peaceful end to north korea/iraq/terrorists.
    Palpatine claims he wants a peaceful end to the separatists.

    Clinton has mastered the politics of self victimization.
    Palpatine mastered the politics of self victimization.

    So, who will you vote for this election?
    Palpatine or Hitler?
    the point isn't what they did do. the point is what would they do if either of them were incharge of america in the 2k16 election :P
    "there are times when we must make constitutional amendments in the name of security"
    -Palpatine before he took over the galactic republic
    "All freedoms flow from national security"
    -Donald trump
    "National security is more important than human rights"
    -Hillary Clinton

    they all seem very similar.
    Sir Schnitzel the Delicious
    Sir Schnitzel the Delicious
    Is there any possibility none of them will be president? Because it feels like we won't have many arabian people around anymore if that happens...
    guys i was looking for memes when i found this..... its worth is ten times that of pure mithril...
    a lotr Version of the "what should we do next" meme/joke
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