lee_yam11 Apr 29, 2015 How do I set my thing for the forums, where beneath it, t will have a quote? please help :/
JerrySox Jun 12, 2014 im all ready donated. im acctualy a legend rank!!! so when you see me ill be a legend!!!!!
JerrySox Jun 7, 2014 hey its your freind jerryw16!!!! im finnaly figured out the donateing thing i will have the lord rank pritty quickly!!!!!! freind me!
hey its your freind jerryw16!!!! im finnaly figured out the donateing thing i will have the lord rank pritty quickly!!!!!! freind me!
lee_yam11 May 24, 2014 sorry guys, i won't be on for a week or so, because I'm going on holiday... BYE BYE!!!
lee_yam11 Mar 19, 2014 Hihihihihihihihihihihihihi! Hellohellohellohellohellohellohellohello! Supsupsupsupsupsupsupsup!