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  • Hello, Lord_Sauron_. I'm french but I can speak english, I learn english 4h per week.

    I just want do add you to my friend (forum) because if I need help I can send you a message on the forum.

    Thanks for answering.
    I swear if you remove my likes again...
    I told you, it isn't me. So shove it. Do whatever.
    how did you complete the labyrinth of sordrin ? its not possible! I am in the last village of the 2nd area and cant make it to the next one :( help me?
    Not after that last comment, I don't think.
    Ok. So. Here's the deal. You all need to check this out.
    Whitelist goes down at 7pm EST on Monday for a few hours.
    I've been playing this server for 14 and a half hours and it only opened at 1pm each day. Most fun I've ever had in Minecraft, period. Very difficult.
    A labyrinth of scale that I can't express in words. I beat the first level in 14 and a half hours. The first level. The easiest level. This makes me fear the dark. This makes my heart stop over and over. And, all the while, the Maze Master is watching us... Like labrats. I'm one of two people to have advanced past the first, and the second guy was mostly luck - his words, not mine.
    I challenge all of you to come and try to best the Labyrinth of Sordrin. See how long you last.
    I played a long time last night.... really fun exept the part where I got stuck in the smallest village for 6 minecraft days trying to get out.
    Help me! I've been banned illegally! I killed a player, and his was an admin. He got angry, and banned me! Help me get back on!
    Taking care of a little brother is hard.
    :( Even Sauron went inactive :(
    Oh! Cramer. Yeah, he sent me a message. I have no idea what he's talking about. I dunno how he arrived at the conclusion that I was doing it, as I've barely been on the forums lately.
    If you see Tims pictures of Wixxi, be sure to look at what I said, not going to spoil anything, but it's about you
    Tim only posted 1 of the 4 in the album for some reason. Warg and I sent more.
    Sauron, I want to thank you for all the stuff you have done for me. I am so sorry for being a jerk to you during EW RP era. I would have never gotten unbanned if it weren't for your help and I owe you a big favor. Thank you man, and congrats on RIT. I accept a RPG LOTR game from you by Friday.
    No comment?
    I got accepted to RIT's Game Design and Development major. Go me, or whatever.
    Seriously though. Yay!
    Make a bad ass RPG LOTR game and we will worship you
    I like my result. It's true, too... I can think of no better way to die than protecting one that I love.
    Same here. I would chose to die for others rather than for myself... maybe that's why I am demolished on the seige server...
    hey man! so i'm fairly new to this website, although i've been a part of empire war since close to the start of it anyways i recently read your whole thing about the new siege maps and thought mirkwood would be a fun one. the layout could be similar to how you described osgiliath, but with the variable of spider mobs everywhere. the spiders wouldn't be on anybody's team, they would just be on straight kill mode haha. but you would have to capture either all of the several flags or (bear with me here) a central, giant, hollowed-out, main tree and half of the other command posts. it could be kind of a fairly open map with a lot of easy to capture flags. i love empire war and would love to see it grow, so i won't take any offense at all if you just throw all this out the window haha
    ah, I see. oh well, its not that big a deal /: haha
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