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  • Some think we are a myth, some think we are a legend from long ago. Forgotten as time went on. We hid in the mist. We are like smoke unable to be caught. We are like trees the way we blend in. We are like Gods the way we fight. We are the elite yet unknown. Who are we? We are the great ilthilien rangers from the south.

    My father and forefathers have led the ilthilien rangers from the south. Now it is my turn I am brining the ilthilien rangers out of the mist and into the light. I will let anyone willing join. We have protected the southern regions of this earth now we are moving on. We have big plans for this world and will kill all who stand in our way. Interested in join the ilthilien rangers?
    Ah, how it must assault the eyes of those who worship them. To the most, however, it pleases our sense of smell and causes salivation at the thought of dining upon it.
    Lem my gang kill all of the people who kill pigs and then we search for the pig that died
    Titan your not in The pig Clan anymore YOUR FIRED.
    Lord_saroun its not fun! Its just annoying and makes me sad and other sad. It makes The server to A bad one. GIVE ME A HOME OR NOT don't give me one and destroy it!!!!
    The walls lie coated with blood, and remains are strewn about. A figure armored in black stands there, with a piece of meat clenched in his gauntlet.
    Let the masses feast.
    Horrible? Nay, this is not horrible. This is just the beginning.
    Slaughter all the pink creatures who yield delicious morsels when they fall.
    Oink Oink. Pork's back on the menu, boys.
    En route with the grub. Enjoy the flesh of inhumanely tortured pigs. Their frantic screams and squeals make it all the more tasty, as you shall soon see.
    Lord Sauron can you remove the stairs on minas morgul people are still going up them
    I'll mention it in the skype chat. The tower is nigh impossible without them, though I agree they should not be the solution for the impasse. We'll think of something.
    Now I can release my ultimate plan to dest... er... I'll, uh, keep...doing my best to...moderate. Yeah. That.
    Hey, when you get on I want to talk to you. Kinda serious
    Quit gossipin', Mantike. No one was in trouble, he just wanted to talk about something :P
    A player called philipawesome and there is no mod/admin on and he is continuously team-griefing and we need someone to stop him. Thanks!
    "I'm betting he doesn't even know how to type"
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