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  • HAHAHA I dont have to go to the swim meet today because it was delayed because of snow and it was delayed too late for me so I'm not going! No 200 fly!!!!
    I'm not surprised if I get on tomorrow and a message shows up "The ban hammer has spoken! Reason: Griefing"
    xD arakrsptec is pissed @me right now
    why lol mr kitteh wouldnt do that
    Ideas for a youtube:

    Make an alt account, use it for griefing and hacking, especially on supercraft.mcph.co ......

    Make funny tutorials (aka how to make a computer virus- compress a bunch of random files together and hope for the best)

    Play on empire war (duh)

    PLay on mineplex


    But all I need is some mod to get a batshark..... (a shark with bat wings, the deadliest animal on land and sea)
    Many of you probably don't know what this is, but Next year I am going to swim the mile fly........cuz i luv fly. Now I want my grave to be made out of gummy bears, and be buried inside the bermuda triangle pl0x.
    techincally its a mile free, but since its free I can do any stroke I want, which I will make it fly
    I just bought maceman on conwy to
    1. Show the bonding to our servers
    2. I freaking love maces
    3. Skull crack crack :3
    4. I actually am a born Conwyian, but only played on it for a day till some nub adveritised EW on conwy, then I deleted conwy and got hooked on Empire War. I remember that first day of playing conwy this maceman pwned me, so I thought "Yesh now i pwn and show server luv"
    Doing that is like watching a movie for free on an illegal site.
    Character’s name:

    Character’s gender: Male

    Character’s race: Olog

    Character’s age: 17

    Biography: Born alone and starving under a sandy mountain, (Name) would've died if it weren't for two things. To cease his starvation, he ate his dead mother. The fat and nutrients of his mother was the one variable that decided life and death for him. After about a day, with his mother fully gone, the Olog started to sleep through a cold and unforgivable night. In the distance wolves howled, drunkards fought, and a hidden evil stirred. The olog wouldn't have lived through this night if it weren't for a particular dark elf.
    The name of the Dark Elf was Nauron. A bruised Nauron with a bashed jaw spotted the Olog afar on a mountain using a different kind of magic: the manipulation of void to increase vision, called Optifinium Magic ((Not ACTUALLY a magic, you mods get the optifine reference though :3 )). Anyways, Nauron approached the little Olog, bent down, and whispered "Ugly beast". The Olog started to frown and then sob a very angry sob. Being the passionate elf he was, Nauron had a thought. If he was to continue on this assassin business, then a bodyguard olog would be great. So Nauron, using all his strength, picked up the heavy olog and took him to a forest camp, fed him, and gave him rest. This concludes (Name)'s biography.

    Personality Traits: Just like any Olog, has three emotions which include anger, happiness, and hunger, but has a strong connection with Nauron.

    Ambitions: To eat and be associated with Nauron.

    Strengths/Talents: Can eat a full grown Olog as a baby, so most likely born with a giant jaw or stomach.

    Weaknesses/Inabilities: (Name) Is a literal idiot, just like any Olog.

    Appearance: Big-Jawed, excessively fat, (kill i'l let ya finish this part)
    Guez wut everybody on LOTC ive given up my role as the protector of the Dark Elves to take up my dream: Become an assassin!
    okai okai i just started league..... its so confusing if anyone else plays it, can they halp me?
    ditch league, heroes of the storm will be soon released. it's better and i'm VIP in it ;) early alpha and closed beta access is sooo good!
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