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  • fml no video game store within a 100 mile radius carries Sunshine xd

    Now to turn to ebay for shady sellers and hopefully not a scratched disk...
    Just gawt a dank gamecube from a local game store. Now, to search for super mario sunshine... I swear that this is the last sunshine post.
    Nice! I am a huge fan of super mario land for my 3ds, which I have done everything to get the secret level for it. I also really want super mario 3d world for wii u if I get it, and also mario maker/splatoon xD
    Okay, here's the dealio.

    I'm going to cut down on the amount of time I'm on enjin, empire war, minecraft, and 3ds by a considerable amount. I've been getting chronic headaches and migranes from the littlest amount on any electronics, and that with school coming up is not a good idea. You will most likely start to see less of me, but I will still be online.


    See you around.
    Hey, who wants to hear a joke?

    Mineplex Castle Siege!
    To be honest, it nearly made me cry when I saw it
    Does anybody know the best shaders for a Macbook Pro that
    1. Doesn't Lag
    2. Doesn't Glitch
    3. Doesn't Require a graphic card?
    Nice! I tried the mario underwater theme, and it did not end well xD The only LoTR thing I did was The Black Rider. Piano is fun :3
    Majora's mask is now officially 100% complete. Now, drowning in my sorrow, I shalt buy Ocarina of Time 3D.... I highly doubt that it will be as good.
    Phew, have 19 heart containers, all temple stray faries, and masks on majora's mask 3D. I'm ready to finish this after a month+ of playing.... I'm so sad :-:
    Killmatronix I know that you won't like this, but I won't be able to roleplay for a while. Also, Titan_Kronos_ and other DM's, I know its not good that I haven't been roleplaying but please understand, as I have many personal things going on right how that I would like you to respect *cough cough kill*. Thank you.
    I don't know why you'd think I wouldn't respect that. The fact that you stalled until now says enough, but I digress. I'll ask Bucky to answer for you.
    When you have that one bragging friend who knows you reeeeally like a game (Zelda), has no Idea about zelda or played any in the series, and then goes and buys that same zelda game and boasts it in your face saying "I'm gonna do a recording and walkthrough and its gonna be so much fun!". Oh, and his two friends have it so he hast to have it. No joke. andimlike:
    What happens when there is a glitch on moria gold and you mix Great Goblin and Dwarf Hammerer?

    Strength II Resistance II Orc Hammerer!
    (only cuz great gob has more strength than troll))
    O' Beepbobit the wise, I give thee thou gratitude
    I shalt always spread lore and sacred knowledge throughout the servers of empirewar!
    I shalt finish this tomorrow, for I am extremely exhausted now
    Hear this song and be healed. Lift your spirits and drift into the light, and notice all the good in this world. Its humongous. Be greatful, and think for all you have to thank while watching this, zoomerenhd .

    I shalt grant thy healt sorrows.
    Just close your eyes, and drift into freedom.
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