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  • I'm sure you remember the saga that occurred when my dog tore a ligament in her back leg and was essentially three-legged for a while. If not, there's your clue.

    Well, that was a year ago. This week, almost to the day, she was playing with another dog and it happened again. This time, to her other back leg. We'd been warned that that could happen, that if one CCL tore, the other was likely to be the same, but it's still a difficult transition. That she could hop onto the foot of my bed one day, and then barely be able to hobble across the street the next, well, she's not taking it well.

    We've ordered a brace for her leg. I doubt we'll take the same path of surgery again. All I can really hope for is some alternative that doesn't leave her as bedridden and frustrated as before. Considering how stubborn she is, we'll see if the brace takes, and provide plenty of physical and emotional support in the meantime.
    Not that I've been terribly active lately anyway, but school's started up again, so the usual rules apply. Might pop in from time to time, or plan to, but we'll see how it goes. Best of luck to everyone else - I'd say I had a good summer. And I learned morse code for no clear reason, which I guess counts as a plus.
    Went to the store to buy miniature American flags. Haven't had internet in a while but I hope everyone's having an enjoyable summer and a good day today.
    Hope you're having one too
    Oof, do you have Independence Day in PR if you're still a colony? :(
    Yeah kind of. Some people celebrate it, some don't, it's an awkward thing like everything else here
    Just confirmed that my dog, a very active yellow Lab, has torn a ligament in her leg - her CCL. She'll need surgery to fix it. In the meantime, she is hopped up on pain meds and completely unable to place any weight on the leg.

    The problem is, my dog is absolutely ravenous when it comes to food and ridiculously persistent. She can be lying down, tucked in on her bed, halfway across the house, but the second she hears the refrigerator open she'll drag herself up and hobble, all steely-eyed determination, until she has reached the source of the disturbance.

    So now I've got a three-legged dog and a long recovery to look forward to. It'll be interesting, especially since my dog won't get any less stubborn over time.
    Regent of Carthage
    Regent of Carthage
    Guess its time to seal the kitchen. Settra demands that the dog gets well soon.
    Hope she gets better quicker than expected! Maybe there is a way to change such a strongly conditioned response.
    Oh no, I wish her the best
    Came home to discover that my dog had magically located a bag of peanut m&ms and eaten every last one of them. She has a death wish. It won't kill her but I'm still at a loss at how she managed the feat in the first place.

    On a side note, it's finally winter break for me. So at least there's that.
    Came home after working my ass off for 200 people at the restaurant I work on my own at my place. Dead tired, same shit tommorow. Feelsbadman but hey, it pays good
    Riko son of Pdor son of Kmer
    Riko son of Pdor son of Kmer
    Oh, this a Christmas time rant?
    Solar Eclipse today should be fun. I wonder how many people will burn their eyes out.
    Don't worry, since 1.3, you only need 2 broken hero swords!
    Solar Eclipse is blocked out by the clouds. SCREW YOU WEATHER. Ugh, have to wait another 7 years.
    I wish I could burn my eyes out, I'll just have to stare at clouds.
    Well, an interesting thing happened. It was pouring buckets outside and our car was practically swimming up the road when out of nowhere we go under a bridge and see an entire gang of motorcyclers holed up in one big line, just casually sitting through the storm.
    That is something I wish I could get a picture of. It was like a band cover or something.
    I expect they all look like a bunch of hippies
    Riko son of Pdor son of Kmer
    Riko son of Pdor son of Kmer
    In Sweden, motorcycler gangs count as organized crime on the same level as mafia or drug cartels.
    have a reputation of*
    I'm awaiting the cicada apocalypse. First, the ground was riddled with thousands of tiny holes and now there are empty shells - or dead husks, that works too- everywhere. They're on trees. They're on plants. They've taken over mailboxes. The live ones are even worse. They just kind of sit around, buzz, and shriek. I wasn't sure what the sound was when I walked outside, some word of distant screaming, but now I know. It's them.

    Apparently, the heat is making them come out early. Stupid cicadas.
    Quirky Mockingjay...are you really who I think you are?
    Noo! She doesn't even check her board anymore...
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