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RaidStone - Weby

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  • Good news ! On RaidStone, if you change your name, your perks will stay. Because that's how good servers work.

    (I know, this is bad news for banned people, but hey, who cares about them ?)
    "Im not going to rewrite all of my plugins just because of some stupid change.." -Tim
    Since I can't send a personal message to Tim, I'll do it here.

    Tim. I don't know if you don't understand people on purpose or not, but it really seems like the former.

    I was offline today, and, when I came back, I wanted to see what happened on RS. You know, normal stuff : see if the server is still alive, see who connected, and look at the chatlog.

    I stumbled upon Titan stating this :
    <Titan_Kronos_> Did you know that Weby asked Tim if Ljuboss wanted to be a mod?
    ( Full text here : http://up.levert.ch/90f826-2015-01-31-014248_908x500_scrot.png )

    I would love to say that I was surprised, but I really wasn't. Of course I did no such thing, and telling this to anyone isn't good. You KNOW I have logs and that I keep them. Why do you even TRY to lie to people about me, raidstone, or our players, when you KNOW I keep the proofs of your idiocy.

    Yes, there was a discussion between us on RaidStone the other day, and it's kept safely on some files. If you want me to refresh your memory about that exact moment, here it is.


    I didn't go to you to ask you if Ljuboss wanted to be a moderator on RaidStone. Heck, why would I even do that ? I'm not speaking to you at all, yet every time you come around, there are new lies being told, and new shit spreading around me, raidstone, or our players. And I'm getting annoyed to have to reconstruct the puzzle every goddamn fucking time you appear in order to spread the truth.

    Stay on EmpireWar. You did a good server, I'm doing mine. If people want to come to mine, it's good. If they play on yours, I'm fine with it. And I don't give the slightest damn if they play on both servers. You are simply creating a situation ON YOUR OWN, and a BAD situation, where, by spreading bullshit about us, you are putting YOUR server in jeopardy. Because if you startle me, I will answer. And I will win. Simply because the truth is always the strongest tool in that kind of battle. We're freaking minecraft servers, for god's sake, not some two years old fighting over a toy.
    Aww I missed when Tim logged on...
    RaidStone is open tonight for a few tests. WE WILL MOSTLY TEST THE ENDURANCE/PERFORMANCE, and we WILL require a lot of players online to see how the server keeps up, and if we will have to optimize or not. Please bring people with you !
    RaidStone test is over, for now. We may open from time to time and allow a few people on, so they can help us out. If you want to get enrolled, write on my wall, I'll check on you.
    As stated in the previous post, the test day is this week. It's sunday, afternoon where I live, and we still haven't started.

    Well, GOOD NEWS, it's in a few hours. We'll keep you informed on this very page !

    Bring every person you can !
    What's the IP, I got a new computer and don't have all my servers?
    Later this week, there will be a test day. We will let a lot of people on the server, I'm thinking 50. If you think you will come, prepare some classes ideas for the maps of Helm's Deep and Dol Guldur. We are also doing Minas Tirith, Moria, Menegroth, and a few others, but those maps will not be ready for the test day. A screenshot of the inventory would be nice, with the list of enchants of every item. You can already post your class ideas here, even for the maps that won't be available that day. So be prepared for that day, because it is THIS WEEK. RaidStone release will depend on that test day. Maybe next week ?
    Wow stealing other peoples maps... that's low... really low... what a dick move. Why not make your own instead of acting like a 10 year old...
    RaidStone - Weby
    RaidStone - Weby
    I'm locking the comments here, because there's nothing more to say to such a fallacious statement. Also I'm not deleting it because I love when guys come to insult me and end up looking stupid in front of everybody.
    So what do you call it when not one, but TWO people crash in your car 1. on the same day, 2. december 24th, 3. on the same side, 4. exiting from the same parking place, and 5. with both of em stupid enough to NOT leave a note when 6. you have a dashcam filming those two idiots leave the scene without even looking ? I call that a "merry christmas" for me and my new car.
    lol kind of feel bad for them. but then again they crashed your car.
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