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    I hate how Sjoerdtim demoted you. My quote will always remind you of one of the best mods the server ever had.
    I love how it takes for me to be demoted for the staff to get into gear. Sydney Carton would be proud to hear of the sacrifice.
    Never forget guys. You should always have the ability to safely question the actions of your staff and demand a logical and valid reason. You should always be heard, always be considered, always be put before personal bias. May you play with comfort!

    ~ Prom
    Regent of Carthage
    Regent of Carthage
    I can hear a civil war brewing. Promethus the titan vs Tibbles, king of Gondor.
    Prometheus, thanks for giving me the link to a free movie site full of porn. That was a really bad idea for you. It is not the solution to online television.
    :lol: I didn't want to watch porn when I was just looking for GoT episodes.
    Funny Fact #2:

    Discreetly insulting the staff team doesn't get the issue noticed by them. It gets noticed by me.
    I see what others don't. But most of the time I just guess.
    Project Tibblesizer was just shot down guys by the man in charge. I truly am sorry guys, I wanted to give you something to look forward to.
    It was a role-play server. Nothing big. And Andrew, get off my wall please. You've become beyond annoying now.
    Prom, thanks for seeing how I improved my behavior. You really touched me man. After what sjoerdtim has done to me, I am going to leave this server for good. Thanks for being a friend in the end.
    Well, sometimes it is good just to move on. I got bigger things to worry about than minecraft, and especially not worrying about Dutch dude I don't know.
    The revenge has begun...
    you wouldn't have that many. people just gave you a ton of likes bc your likes got deleted
    So how's Project Tibblesizer working off ? Just must keep us informed with updates you know :3
    you should make a site just for project tibblesizer
    Hey prom, if you have the time can we have a little conversation?
    Can we have one tomorrow? I'd be best for me since I have a ton of homework to catch up on. :/ Sorry man.
    Okay guys. It doesn't matter if the certain classes are unrealistic and it annoys you. This is a PvP server where I guarantee you at least half of the players coming on don't give a damn about the class's lore, but what they do care about the power it brings to PvP. Get off your mighty horses and look at it from a server perspective. Not an ultra-hardcore Lord of the Rings cult follower.

    Congratulations on your promotion! (Yes, I know this is late) Great to see that shiny green around your name again!
    Prom, your wall is all screwed up after you did that nooooooo post. You should delete it.
    Prom, I am just saying. It looks weird.
    One will never understand the awesomeness of this build until they walk around in it as I have. I build with the guys that did this project, and I still enjoy every minute of it.
    Awesome, I am Greek :D
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