Anyone to play Totar War campaign with meh/possible other persons ( With saves sending by mail system ) ?
I got Medieval 2 with Kingdoms, and can add mods (Third age, stainless steel, ect ..)
I can also try to get old total war like the first Rome, Napoleon or Empre, but I'm not sure I can run them correctly ( I can run max 4k units on medieval 2 without lags, soo .. )
With seed "Warlord0009", you spawn in a river, between a oak forest and a desert, with lots of sugar cane AND A FREAKIN DESERT TEMPLE, WITH 2 GOLDEN APPLES, A DIAMOND AND A FREAKIN INFINITY BOOK
It's a site where both Lord of the Rings role play and Game of Thrones takes place.
You could rule over the nation of Mirkwood and command it's elves, or be a sturdy dwarf slaying dozens of orcs at Erebor or you could be a simple mercenary looking for fortune. Adventurers, heroes and villains can partake